Sedona Drug Rehab Alternatives

Get Convenient Rehab Programs in Nevada at Icarus

Sedona drug rehab and treatment centers can seem few and far between for those struggling with substance abuse. The problem can be extremely frustrating for anyone looking for the best treatment centers for themselves or their loved ones. Choosing to get help for a drug and alcohol addiction is very brave. However, the commitment to attend treatment programs can wane quickly when someone finds few local program offerings.

Don’t lose hope – Icarus Behavioral Health in Las Vegas is an excellent option! We’re just a four-hour drive or a one-hour flight from Sedona, Arizona. If you want a top-tier, luxury treatment center providing recovery for substance abuse and any mental health issues, we can help!

Please keep reading to learn about how our treatment program will more than compensate for the lack of drug rehab and treatment opportunities in Sedona.

Why the Shortage of Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment Centers in Sedona, Arizona?

Addiction Treatment Centers in Sedona, Arizona

Let’s start with a hats off to the local drug and alcohol rehab centers in Sedona, Arizona. Like many rural drug rehab centers, they do their best to serve the community. While Sedona is a beautiful tourist destination with a bustling economy, it’s still a rural area with under 10,000 permanent residents.

The town’s popularity among tourists and snowbirds drives increasingly high real estate costs despite the isolated location and low number of residents. That makes attracting additional addiction treatment facilities less feasible. Sedona has unique needs from other rural communities, whose lack of recovery resources comes from a sluggish economy.

Get Effective Detox and Rehab Options – Call Now!

Seeking More Effective Options Outside Sedona, AZ

Sedona, Arizona, is a tale of two cities. The tourism industry creates a booming economy that conversely dries opportunities for the few year-round residents. Its residents benefit from that economy in some ways but are victims of it in others. This gap means that residents of Sedona, AZ, must seek long-term recovery outside of their area, including at convenient out-of-state treatment centers such as ours at Icarus Nevada.

In some cases in Sedona, you may have limited choices: partial hospitalization programs or intensive outpatient programs. Those needing inpatient treatment are left without access to the drug/alcohol rehab they need. Icarus Nevada provides effective inpatient treatment options and a full continuum of care. We are ready to support Sedona residents with the recovery process.

5 Reasons Sedona, AZ Clients Seek Alcohol Drug Rehab Centers in Las Vegas

Holistic Healing - Reson to Select Rehab Centers in Las Vegas

Besides the few choices when looking for a Sedona drug rehab or alcohol treatment center, here are some reasons our clients tell us. These reasons perfectly explain why so many past clients chose inpatient care at Icarus Behavioral Health in Nevada instead of a local drug addiction program in Sedona, AZ:

1) Seeking a Treatment Center That Supports Holistic Healing

Some who come to our treatment program want an alcohol and drug addiction program integrating holistic healing practices. They want guidance from our skilled support staff and a full range of options to help heal from addiction. They explained that the facility in their local community was not a bad program but lacked the focus on whole-person healing they wanted.

One example is Brody, who had used opioids for two years. They wanted not only to stop using but also sought ways to support brain repair after those years of substance abuse. Our programs supported Brody. They found the right balance of evidence-based therapy and addiction treatment while using focus techniques to address nervous system regulation and brain health in our inpatient treatment center. An unexpected benefit was how their recovery program also helped to improve sleep.

2) Evidence-based Treatment for Co-occurring Disorders

Some clients explain that Sedona, AZ, has several sound outpatient treatment programs available, especially suboxone treatment services for opioid addiction treatment. However, they say it can be difficult to find an outpatient treatment program that helps meet their individual needs. Whether you struggle with depression, anxiety, or anything else that complicates your mental health history, you deserve the best care!

That was what happened to Destiny, whose need for alcohol addiction treatment started with emotional trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder after an assault. Destiny masked her trauma by abusing alcohol. She needed help to meet both needs, but the alcohol recovery program in her hometown wasn’t very helpful.

Her drinking problem worsened until she came to Icarus and learned that alcohol addiction and trauma required careful treatment. Individual therapy and medication management to heal the alcohol abuse and developing coping tools for the trauma were the keys to long-term sobriety for Destiny.

3) Our Treatment Center Accepts Many Health Insurance Plans

Many people desire change but never start treatment because they don’t know how to sort out their health insurance plan. Our facility accepts in-patients from Arizona. Clients often tell us how they would have asked for help with substance use if they had known their insurance covered them when coming from out of state. Our admissions staff can even help you with benefits pre-determination.

Our past client, Matthew, had struggled with synthetic opioids after developing an initial addiction to prescription painkillers. He lived in a remote part of northern Arizona and had no nearby access to a treatment center. After learning that we could help him get the insurance coverage needed to pay for residential treatment, Matthew started his addiction recovery program at Icarus and found great success.

4) Medical Detox Gives Our Clients an Excellent Start

Medical Detox

Access to medical detox in rural communities poses an initial challenge that can derail a treatment program before it even starts! With few spots available, some try going cold turkey. That method is both dangerous and ineffective. Many relapse within hours due to the intense withdrawal symptoms.

One previous client, Raj, had been abusing Adderall to stay focused on top of his game at his high-pressure job. He telecommuted from home and always felt he must work harder to keep up with his in-office colleagues. One day, he realized it was becoming problematic and decided to stop. When he tried the detox process at home, he had severe stomach cramping.

He attended a medically supervised detox program and received IV drips with a medicine that relieved the stomachaches. Raj successfully stopped abusing the prescription drug.

5) Compassionate and Highly-Qualified Inpatient Treatment Team

Some in-patients who have come to Icarus from Sedona expressed discomfort with the level of privacy with local partial hospitalization programs or intensive outpatient treatment programs. In such a small city, everyone knows each other. It can be very awkward to interact with someone in daily life and then see them (or their family members) in addiction recovery.

That’s what happened with Kelly, a past client who worked and lived in Sedona, Arizona. She had mental health and substance use concerns. She wanted to get help, but a gossipy co-worker’s sister was an addiction counselor at the local drug and mental health treatment facility. Kelly decided to separate everyday life and her mental health treatment and Las Vegas for her detox and substance abuse rehab.

Immediate Help For Drug and Alcohol – Reach out Now!

After Rehab: What to Do Back Home in Sedona, AZ

You see why our past clients chose Icarus and got well. But what happens after you leave residential treatment at Icarus Nevada and return home to Arizona? Alcohol and drug rehab is just the start of your clean and sober life. When you get home, it will take a concerted effort on your part to avoid the places, people, and triggers of substance use.

The early days of addiction recovery after leaving a treatment program can be challenging. Here are some good activities that will help you stay productive and take your focus away from your addiction:

Continue Addiction Recovery With a Local Support Group

Recovery With a Local Support Group

Support groups are key to long-term recovery after alcohol or drug rehab at our facilities. Some good resources to include in your life are SMART Recovery, Alcoholics Anonymous, or Narcotics Anonymous. Their services are free and offer support while you continue to heal.

However, the similarities between AA and NA versus SMART end there. While AA and NA are 12-step programs that rely on a Higher Power, SMART is spiritually neutral and based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and other evidence-based behavior modification techniques. Which one you choose depends on your recovery goals and needs.

You can find these three AA meetings (among many others!) in Sedona:

  • Sunday 9 am: 44 Stutz Bearcat Dr., Sedona, Arizona
  • Monday 12 pm: 54 Bowstring Dr., Sedona, Arizona
  • Friday 7:30 am: 100 Northview Rd., Sedona, Arizona

You’ll find a full AA meeting list by clicking here.

There are currently two NA meetings in Sedona:

  • Sunday 3 pm and Friday 7:30 pm: 44 Stutz Bearcat Dr., Sedona, Arizona

Be sure to check the NA Arizona website occasionally to find additional opportunities that may become available.

As of this writing, all SMART Recovery meetings servicing Sedona residents are online only. You can check SMART’s website for updates. Despite being online, the meetings are well worth checking out.

Gain Life Skills at the Sedona Public Library

The Sedona Public Library is more than shelves full of dusty books. It is a valuable resource for locals. The library offers a free or low-cost learning program for almost anything you need to know in life. The library’s calendar includes movie nights, study groups, and even a chess club. They also have yoga, meditation, and Tai Chi classes, each good for ongoing support for depression, trauma, or anxiety.

Spend the Day at Slide Rock State Park

If you’ve never made the short drive to Oak Creek Canyon to check out Slide Rock State Park, you are in for a real treat! Sliding down the natural red rock formation into the water below is an excellent way to enjoy time with your friends and loved ones, without triggering addiction. So head out and enjoy the sun – some studies say that time in the sunshine can even boost immunity!

Head Back to an Educational Facility

Addiction can often veer people off course, some without finishing their education. But after completing drug/alcohol rehab successfully, you will have a fresh opportunity to change that! Yavapai College has six campuses. The school offers Associate Degrees in high-demand fields, from education to healthcare. Check out their website for a full program lineup.

Finish that GED Program

Yavapai College has more than higher education; it also offers a GED program. Perhaps you considered finishing up high school, but you were held back by addiction. Your first days of recovery allow you to check this off your to-do list! Click this link and scroll to the bottom to watch some video testimonials of people who finished this program at Yavapai.

Check out the Sedona City Parks

Sedona City Parks

The City of Sedona has another valuable, free resource—a robust public park system. You have just spent time away from your family at the recovery center, so the parks are a great place to reconnect and spend time together. You can pack a picnic (and plenty of water), take long walks, or ride bikes together. If you have small children, they’ll enjoy the playgrounds. You can even include your dog at the Sedona Dog Park.

The public park system also includes the Sedona Community Pool, which offers aqua fitness classes to help you continue to get stronger during recovery.

Up To 100% of Rehab Costs Covered By Insurance – Call Now!

Travel to Icarus in Nevada for Recovery and Treatment Today

Are you ready for recovery and ready to connect with our treatment center team for help? Past clients from Sedona have had excellent success with our residential treatment program; and we are confident that you, too, can succeed. From intake and detox to planning for aftercare and long-term recovery, we stay with our clients along this journey.

Your detox and recovery can start as soon as tomorrow. Let’s talk today.