Our Inpatient Bipolar Treatment Program

Understand Residential Bipolar Treatment and Get Support at Icarus Nevada

Finding the right treatment for bipolar disorder can be a little like conducting an orchestra with a score that constantly changes. The conductor must harmonize the unpredictable melodies to create a masterpiece symphony. Each musician plays a finely tuned instrument that adjusts to follow the conductor’s guidance and maintain harmony.

With inpatient bipolar treatment, a highly skilled service provider is that conductor, trying to find just the right balance of therapy and medication management to help clients heal.

The entire team at Icarus Behavioral Health in Las Vegas understands the need to bring a quality, individualized treatment plan to every person who comes to our bipolar disorder treatment center. We have helped numerous people with bipolar disorder and other mental health concerns meet and sustain their long-term recovery goals.

Keep reading for information about how how our inpatient treatment center can give you options for overcoming the challenges of living with the distressing symptoms of bipolar disorder.

What Causes Bipolar ii?

Mood Swings - Symptom of Bipolar ii

Bipolar disorder, or Bipolar ii is a mental illness, most known for mood swings. Someone with bipolar disorder shifts from emotional highs (manic episodes) to extreme lows (depression).

According to the National Institute on Mental Health, the exact cause of bipolar disorder is still being studied. However, most researchers agree on the following risk factors contributing to it:

  • Genetic factors: People with bipolar disorder may have other family members who also live with it.
  • Brain factors: Researchers are still looking into the brain’s role in this mental illness. Differences in the brain’s structure may play a part in developing it.
  • Hormonal or chemical imbalances: Key neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine help with mood regulation. An imbalance may contribute to bipolar disorder.
  • Trauma and stress: Some believe that stress and traumatic experiences may trigger or worsen the illness.

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The Typical Signs of a Manic Episode vs the Depression Phase

Untreated bipolar disorder wreaks havoc on lives. The high phase, or mania, and the depression have unique sets of symptoms. If you or a loved one needs bipolar disorder treatment, learn these signs:

Manic Phase Signs:

Here are the primary signs someone is in a manic state:

  • Abnormally elevated mood
  • Increased energy or activity levels
  • Requiring less sleep than usual
  • Inflated ego or grandiose thinking
  • Extremely talkative
  • Racing thoughts
  • Easily distracted
  • Impulsive behaviors

Knowing these signs can help lead to a meaningful discussion with a doctor to determine an accurate diagnosis.

Depressive Phase Signs:

Bipolar Symptoms Icarus Nevada

Next, let’s look at the opposite – the depressive state:

  • Prolonged depressed mood
  • Loss of interest in usually enjoyable activities
  • Changes in weight or appetite
  • Fatigue or lethargy
  • Feeling worthless or guilty
  • Unable to focus on tasks
  • Slowed movements or speech
  • Suicidal thoughts (call 988 for immediate help)

Depressive phase signs can vary in either length or intensity. They are a sign that someone should seek guidance from a counselor or doctor.

About Our Bipolar Disorder Treatment Center

Icarus Behavioral Health provides superior care to alleviate the disruption that having a mental disorder can cause. If you are flying into Las Vegas for inpatient treatment for bipolar or another mental health condition, we are just a short distance from Harry Reid International Airport (LAS).

Our bipolar treatment team welcomes you to a quiet, luxurious, and well-appointed space. You will find comfortable rooms and common areas to enjoy as you progress through your treatment for bipolar disorder.

You’ll form bonds with other in-patients daily and during group therapy sessions. The friends you make will help propel you to continued success at the recovery center.

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Treating Bipolar Disorder Is Essential

Joseph was a past client whose story explains why attending a professional bipolar disorder treatment center can be helpful. Joseph came to Icarus as a young man with a promising future. However, his life took a bad turn when he began experiencing the severe mood swings of untreated bipolar disorder. During his manic phases, Joseph would engage in reckless behavior, compounded by his self-medication with cocaine for bipolar.

He’d go on lavish spending sprees, driven by his self-importance. These episodes were followed by crushing depressive phases, where he felt overwhelmed by hopelessness. Things got so bad that he couldn’t get out of bed. His out-of-control behavior strained his relationships with other adults.

After years of struggling, Joseph reached a breaking point. He eventually realized he could no longer manage his condition on his own. He sought help and was admitted to inpatient treatment at Icarus, one of Nevada’s leading treatment centers for mental health disorders. The comprehensive care provided Joseph with the bipolar disorder treatment he desperately needed.

Getting Support with Evidence-Based Approaches to Bipolar Treatment

Support with Evidence-Based Approaches

He participated in individual therapy sessions, group therapy, and medication management to stabilize his mood swings. For the first time in years, Joseph felt hopeful as he learned to manage his condition.

After treatment, Joseph began the process of discharge planning with his bipolar disorder care team. They helped him create a sustainable plan to maintain his mental health outside the treatment center, including continuing care appointments, support groups, and lifestyle changes. Returning to daily life, Joseph reconnected with his loved ones and pursued his passions with renewed vigor.

Continued recovery from bipolar will not always be easy. Now that he has completed treatment, Joseph knows he has a brighter future with the right support and treatment.

Our Inpatient Bipolar Treatment Center Program

Many individuals come to our inpatient rehab center in Nevada for help with their bipolar disorder symptoms. But what makes the bipolar disorder symptoms severe enough to come to inpatient treatment for recovery?

We are in the business of treating individuals, so these are only a few reasons to begin inpatient treatment for bipolar disorder. Consider this partial list that explains why some choose to become in-patients:

  • Severe manic or depressive episodes or other behaviors that put them in harm’s way.
  • They tried an intensive outpatient program (IOP) or partial hospitalization program (PHP) for bipolar disorder treatment, but it proved ineffective.
  • Co-occurring disorders, such as PTSD, alcohol use disorder, or another substance use disorder, may require inpatient bipolar disorder treatment.
  • Threats of self-harm or suicide usually mean inpatient treatment for bipolar disorder.
  • Older adults who have lived with bipolar disorder for years with no effective bipolar disorder treatment identified.
  • Threats of aggressive or violent behaviors. Those seeking an inpatient treatment center might include someone referred to a bipolar disorder treatment center by a social worker or the courts.

People who struggle with bipolar disorder need a safe, effective treatment plan. For many, inpatient treatment is an excellent opportunity to restore medical and psychological balance.

How Do We Treat Bipolar Disorder?

Individual therapy - Treatment for Bipolar Disorder

The bipolar disorder treatment offered at Icarus takes a holistic approach to meeting individual needs. We look at the individual factors that can help our clients maximize their time in treatment for bipolar disorder.

One of the key treatment methods to get people results is to find the right medications for their needs. Medication can include mood stabilizers, antipsychotics, antidepressants, and anticonvulsants.

Another treatment option is conducting an in-depth medical and psychiatric evaluation to determine the next steps to begin the therapeutic process. Some evidence-based treatment options include:

  • Individual therapy helps clients understand their bipolar disorder and learn how to manage it.
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) helps the client to identify and change any negative thought patterns. It helps them learn better responses to things that otherwise trigger the mental health issue.
  • Family therapy helps family members communicate openly and support their loved one struggling with a mental health condition. Family support for your loved one is one of the best ways of helping them, even after they leave the treatment center.
  • Treating co-occurring disorders ensures treatment of the whole person, not just the bipolar disorder. For instance, some who live with bipolar disorder develop an addiction because they self-medicate. It’s equally important to heal the substance use disorder even as the bipolar heals.

We also look at the person’s lifestyle factors that are influenced by or may worsen the bipolar disorder. For example, the bipolar disorder treatment team might examine how stress reduction or better sleep hygiene may help improve the quality of clients’ lives.

Finally, we devise a plan for continuing care and ongoing support. The struggle doesn’t end when someone leaves the bipolar disorder treatment center. Instead, the client will need to learn how to recognize the symptoms and have a plan to help control them. That might be an ongoing plan for medications or including a loved one in the ongoing treatment plan.

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Reach Out to Icarus to Get Effective Treatment for Bipolar Disorder

If you want more information about the benefits of an inpatient bipolar disorder treatment center for yourself or a loved one, reach out to Icarus Behavioral Health today. Our recovery center is well-qualified in helping people with bipolar disorder. Complete healing of the body and mind is our goal for each client who walks through doors.

Reach out today – we can often accommodate next-day admissions, empowering you to reap the benefits of a new life right away!