Our PTSD Treatment Las Vegas Services

Getting Effective Help for PTSD in Sin City at Icarus Nevada

Do you need PTSD treatment in Las Vegas? Starting online research reveals that you know you need help. You are beginning to see the connection between mental health disorders and the impact of a traumatic event. At Icarus, our PTSD treatment Las Vegas services are the place of healing you need. It takes bravery to find help for post-traumatic stress disorder. You have found the proper place.

You can find calm and healing in the right setting and with skilled psychotherapists. Icarus Behavioral Health in Nevada provides a safe environment. This space is one where you can work through past traumatic events.

Psychotherapy with us isn’t just talking through the trauma. Rather, our counselors help you unlock closed doors for a better future. You deserve to be in a spot where the past no longer holds you back.

Read on. You’ll learn the answers to the most-asked questions about PTSD. And remember, our team at Icarus Nevada is here, ready to support trauma recovery, whenever needed!

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What Is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and What Causes it to Occur?

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder can be a severe mental health condition. It comes after someone experiences or witnesses a terrifying event, or due to repeated abuse and trauma. It goes further than feeling stressed or upset. PTSD is much deeper. It is more enduring. It negatively impacts lives in untold ways.

Besides PTSD, other mental health issues may arise if you let the symptoms go unchecked. That will only make treatment more difficult. Counseling and help are available to treat your PTSD. And it is a must to restore your peace of mind.

What Are the Most Common Symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?

Physical Symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Do you believe you have the symptoms of PTSD? Post-traumatic stress disorder can present in many forms. Recognizing these signs and assessing for the presence of PTSD and/or complex trauma is the first step to getting better.

According to the United States Department of Veterans, these are some common symptoms that may mean a PTSD diagnosis:

  • Flashbacks: You might replay the traumatic event repeatedly in either nightmares or flashbacks. It can feel very real. In your mind, you’re experiencing it all over again. What frustrates many is how flashbacks can overtake them without warning.
  • Avoidance: You might start sidestepping places or activities that remind you of the trauma. This avoidance is a way of reducing your stress. Ultimately, though, it will often isolate you and keep you from doing things that used to be enjoyable.
  • Changes in Mood and Thoughts: You might notice a change in your thoughts and mood. You also find it tough to remember key parts of the traumatic event.
  • Hyperarousal: You might often feel edgy. You could be easily startled or carry tension. It could also mean you’ve become overly watchful or on guard. You can’t shake off a feeling of doom, even while you’re absolutely safe.
  • Physical Symptoms: PTSD can also show up as physical symptoms like headaches or dizziness. You might also have stomach issues or chest pain. It might also mean sleep loss.
  • Emotional Reactions: Intense feelings of fear or horror are frequent in PTSD. You might also have anger issues after a traumatic event. These feelings can be overwhelming and hard to regulate.
  • Emotional Numbness: You might feel emotionally detached. This feeling goes beyond sadness. It’s a disconnection from your emotions. It makes you withdraw from the people around you. It is a common reaction in PTSD. Your brain subconsciously shuts down your feelings to shield you from the pain.

These symptoms of PTSD are usual reactions to events we’re not meant to endure. Everyone experiencing a traumatic event responds differently. It also makes zero distinctions between children and adults. Trauma can impact one’s life at any time.

Some have natural coping skills and recover from the symptoms after a few short sessions with a therapist. Others experience triggers and flashbacks so badly that they consider self-harm. In some cases, partners or spouses can also trigger trauma reactions, typically without meaning to. Whichever camp you fall into, get the treatment you need for your post-traumatic stress disorder.

Asking for help for your PTSD is never a weakness! 

Do any of the above-listed symptoms of PTSD sound familiar to you? Have you experienced a traumatic event? If you answered yes to both questions, it’s time to get a professional assessment. You need help from a professional familiar with PTSD concerns and therapeutic techniques. They will ask you about your medical history from a physical standpoint. They’ll also try to discern how you developed PTSD, even if your form of trauma is a high-functioning variety, this can be enormously helpful.

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How the Symptoms of PTSD Manifest: Robin’s Story

Robin grew up in Las Vegas with parents who never understood their needs and classmates who bullied her. It became so severe that Robin started cutting to show her parents she needed help. But it was to no avail; Robin’s parents had busy lives and never noticed the cut marks – a cry for help.

When Robin became an adult, she dropped out of school, even though it was her senior year of high school. Robin only went through the motions of living, clocking in and out of their job every day, going home, sleeping. Repeat the next day. She felt disconnected from her own person, not to mention her family.

Robin started feeling the symptoms of PTSD but did not recognize the checked-out life as such. Robin blamed herself and then started having nightmares. Each night, Robin replayed the mocking voices of the adults who had raised them and her peers who made school unbearable.

The Symptoms of Trauma Begin to Mount

Robin’s symptoms continued to grow worse. Eventually, a manager at work noticed Robin’s lethargy and told them about an employee assistance website. After taking a quick online assessment, it was determined that Robin may have post-traumatic stress disorder. Icarus Behavioral Health was close to their apartment in Las Vegas. They were kind to her. They even confirmed what the online assessment said – Robin did, indeed, have PTSD.

With that diagnosis, Robin’s care team addressed their individual needs. After helping to calm the worst symptoms, Robin dug into her treatment plan and did the hard work demanded by the intense PTSD treatment. The best part was that Robin was able to keep the job and attend outpatient care. Robin’s post-traumatic stress disorder is much better now, and they are thankful that they are now free to be the person they were always meant to be.

Traumatic Events: 8 Common Ways People Develop PTSD

Physical Abuse

There’s rarely a singular cause for any mental health disorder. Here are some causes that PTSD treatment centers often hear from clients:

  1. Emotional Abuse: Victims of emotional abuse often conceal their trauma from others. This abuse may include manipulation or belittling. It may also come from hearing constant criticism. It may lead to long-term trauma that diminishes someone’s ability to feel secure. In some cases, this trauma may stem from religious teachings or communities, whether as a child or an adult.
  2. Physical Abuse: Those who have been victimized by physical abuse may struggle with mental health issues and low self-esteem. These will often continue long after injuries have healed.
  3. Military Combat: Exposure to life-threatening crises in military combat is a well-documented cause of PTSD. Soldiers often experience events that push past the bounds of resilience.
  4. Sexual Assault: The victim of a sexual assault often carries lasting effects. It degrades the mental health. The trauma from the assault can lead to fear or helplessness. Even worse, it causes ongoing distress until you get help.
  5. Vehicle Accidents: Serious car or motorcycle accidents are other traumatic events. That’s especially true with severe injuries or loss of life. Survivors might replay the event in their heads continually, leading to PTSD.
  6. Natural Disasters: Natural disasters can be devastating whether prepped ahead of time or not. The loss or upheaval caused by nature can usher in long-lasting emotional trauma.
  7. Forced Migration: Fleeing home due to persecution or peril is another traumatic experience. Losing everything you know or everyone you love may trigger post-traumatic stress disorder.
  8. War Victims: Civilians trapped in war zones are forced to cope with extreme trauma. They may witness unspeakable violence or lose loved ones. These traumatic experiences can cause PTSD.

Receiving treatment for the symptoms of PTSD cannot undo the past. However, it can help you find sounder coping methods once you move forward.

How Can Our PTSD Treatment Las Vegas Programs Support Recovery from Trauma?

Family Therapy

A good PTSD treatment plan means finding the right therapeutic combinations. The team at Icarus Behavioral Health will tailor a program to fit your individual needs. Here are some helpful therapies you might see in treatment programs:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Talk therapy helps you identify and alter negative thought patterns, including exposure therapy. That means you will gradually face your fears. During these individual sessions, you reassert your authority over those lingering memories of the traumatic event.
  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR): EMDR therapy approaches help you recollect distressing events while receiving bilateral sensory input. These include side-to-side eye movements or hand tapping. It may help reduce the distress that arises from the painful memories.
  • Medication Management: Some medications can be effective in reducing PTSD symptoms. These may include antidepressants to help control your emotional symptoms.
  • Group Therapy: A group therapy setting is a safe space to share about your PTSD. Other participants will understand what you’re experiencing. Group sessions are a powerful way to feel less isolated.
  • Prolonged Exposure Therapy: This therapeutic setting means you talk about your trauma repeatedly. Eventually, the traumatic experiences no longer disturb you. This process helps you manage your thoughts about the trauma.
  • Cognitive Processing Therapy: This technique involves writing about and discussing your traumatic event. The process can help you to understand your trauma.
  • Mindfulness and Stress Reduction Techniques: These techniques can help you manage stress and anxiety. Both of these are often high in individuals with PTSD.
  • Family Therapy: PTSD can affect entire families. It can be much bigger than one single family member. Family therapy helps others understand what you’re going through. It also brings stability back into your relationships.
  • Healthy Lifestyle Changes: Regular exercise. A healthy diet. Getting enough sleep. Avoiding alcohol and drugs. It all sounds like standard, sound medical advice. But they can actually help control symptoms. These also lead to a better quality of life.
  • Anger Management and Stress Management: These techniques and therapies can help you understand the root of your stressed-out or angry feelings. You learn to recognize the early signs of a flare-up. You also learn to cope with it healthily.

The right treatment for you might not work for another. Our team works closely with you to find the best approach. These and other approaches in our toolkit can yield very good results.

What are Intensive Outpatient Programs for PTSD?

Intensive Outpatient Programs

Now that you have the key information you should know about PTSD, let’s look at how intensive outpatient treatment programs help restore your mental health.

Our Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOPs) are very effective in treating PTSD. They strike a perfect note, a blend of rigorous, focused therapy with medication management and the freedom to maintain everyday life. One of the key strengths of IOPs lies in their structured yet flexible format.

Unlike inpatient treatment, which requires a full-time commitment, outpatient services allow individuals to receive intensive therapy while still living at home. They can still take part in many of their daily activities. This flexibility is useful if you have work or family commitments but require a treatment intensity beyond traditional outpatient care. You can expect to attend therapy sessions several times a week. IOP clients focus on their recovery without the full disconnection from their regular life that inpatient care necessitates.

Our Outpatient Services for Trauma Clients at Icarus Nevada

IOPs also provide a continuity of care that is essential for long-term recovery from PTSD. They can also be transitional steps.

For instance, someone who has been diagnosed with PTSD alongside alcohol abuse or addiction may have completed more intensive inpatient treatment and need to step down without leaving outpatient services altogether.

This continuity of treatment programs helps to ensure that the progress made in one phase of treatment is built upon in the next. Thus, it allows for gradual, sustained improvement.

On the other hand, someone may have tried partial hospitalization programs. But after some time, they decided to step up the intensity.

Furthermore, as patients approach the end of their program, IOPs will assist with aftercare arrangements.

Dual Diagnosis: Trauma, PTSD, and Addiction Treatment

Dual Diagnosis

Chemical dependency and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) have a complex relationship.

It’s common for people who have PTSD to use alcohol or drugs as a self-medication. Unfortunately, the relief is fleeting. Worse yet, the substance use only makes the PTSD even worse.

Substance abuse interferes with the grain’s natural processing of traumatic events. It can also decrease emotional regulation, making it more difficult for individuals to engage in therapy and address the underlying trauma effectively.

Moreover, chemical abuse can add more difficulty to the treatment of PTSD. When an individual has both PTSD and substance abuse, treatment becomes less helpful. That’s because the substances dull the effectiveness of therapies. They may lead to additional mental and physical health problems. This dual diagnosis demands both PTSD and addiction treatment.

The recovery process from both PTSD and substance use disorder concurrently can be formidable. But it is also rewarding. You are a person of worth, and you deserve better!

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Are You Ready to Seek Treatment for Your PTSD Symptoms?

You no longer need to let a past traumatic event define your future. You no longer need to let the symptoms of PTSD govern your life. Icarus Behavioral Health is here in the Las Vegas area, and helping you heal is our priority. Whether you have PTSD alone or other mental health disorders like depression, anxiety, or panic, we can help. We will help.

Are you ready to receive the highest quality care? Reach out to our staff today. Your call to us is free and confidential, so please reach out to get options for support at Icarus Nevada now!