Drug Rehab GEHA Insurance Network

Substance Abuse Treatment Coverage with GEHA Insurance

Substance use disorder (SUD) is a life-threatening medical condition. Unfortunately, many people who struggle with substance abuse issues never get help because of many factors. Many people mistakenly assume that addiction is not a mental illness, so they believe they can master their habit with enough willpower.

However, people may realize they need assistance but feel too embarrassed to ask for it. People with substance use disorders avoid getting help because they believe it will be too costly.

If you are a government employee battling substance abuse, what is the best option for seeking drug rehab GEHA services?

Treatment for substance abuse is well-funded under Government Employees Health Association (GEHA), the health insurance program for federal employees, retirees, and their families. GEHA insurance will pay for a wide range of drug rehab centers and programs.

This guarantees that people with substance abuse problems of any kind and at any level can obtain the help they need. Remember that addiction is a chronic disease with escalating negative repercussions over time. However, with the support of effective treatment programs and rehabs, recovering addicts can lead successful, fulfilling lives.

If you have GEHA healthcare, you may wonder what level of coverage you may get for drug and alcohol rehab. Luckily, GEHA offers medical plans that can enable you to get the help you deserve.

Help is a phone call away if you have a GEHA insurance policy. Call Icarus Behavioral Health today to learn more about drug rehab GEHA Insurance Network.

What Is Government Employees Health Association Insurance Coverage?

GEHA Insurance Coverage

Founded in the mid-1900s, Government Employees Health Association is a primary medical insurance provider in the United States. It provides insurance for people who work for the federal government.

GEHA provides health insurance to millions of Americans. This nonprofit works with many rehab centers and therapists to ensure that those in need can receive effective addiction treatment.

GEHA Insurance and Addiction Treatment

GEHA covers addiction treatment for those who qualify. But the specifics of an individual’s health insurance policy are the most crucial aspect in establishing the extent of the coverage they are eligible for.

The scope of coverage provided by individual policies varies. Standard, high-deductible, and catastrophic coverage plans are just some of the insurance options available from GEHA. As a rule, the coverage for addiction treatment provided by the High and Standard GEHA plans is the most extensive.

These policies typically pay for full or almost all addiction treatment expenses. There are no significant out-of-pocket expenses associated with them. Many treatment centers are included in GEHA’s network, which policyholders can use.

That is because GEHA does not differentiate between degrees of dependency or forms of addiction. Addiction to substances is considered a progressive disease, and GEHA knows it is more cost-effective to pay for treatment early in its phases. No matter what drug an individual depends on, they will be covered by GEHA.

Substance abuse disorders that GEHA addresses include:

  • Methamphetamine addiction
  • Prescription stimulant addiction
  • Marijuana addiction
  • Benzodiazepine addiction
  • Prescription opioid addiction
  • Heroin addiction
  • Cocaine addiction
  • Alcohol addiction

Get Treatment Covered with GEHA – Call Now!

Does Treatment Have to be In-Network for GEHA Drug Rehab?

In-network treatment providers have agreed to charge the insurance company a predetermined service rate. If you go to a hospital or clinic that is part of your insurance network, you can expect lower out-of-pocket costs.

Once you decide to go to a rehab center that is not in your insurance’s network, you may have to pay for the entire cost of your treatment out of pocket.

If you have the option, pick a hospital or clinic that accepts GEHA patients. You may be able to set up a payment plan with the facility if you need treatment but can’t find an in-network provider or would instead go to an out-of-network facility.

What Are the Coverage Plans and Levels for GEHA?

Addiction treatment centers can be an excellent resource for those or a loved one battling substance abuse. Finding the proper facility is crucial since it will be able to address all of your problems and provide you with the necessary level of comfort. There are many high-end options, each featuring upscale comforts and personalized attention. Your plan may cover these services, but you may be responsible for a copayment.

Fortunately, GEHA Health Plans limit the annual coinsurance and deductibles that customers must pay. For this reason, if your plan includes coverage for specialized care, you won’t have to worry about your deductible or copay exceeding the following amounts:

  1. Standard in-network plan: $5,000
  2. Standard out-of-network plan: $7,000
  3. High in-network option: $4,000
  4. High option out-of-network: $6,000
  5. HDHP option for individual plans: $5,000
  6. HDHP option for family plans: $10,000

The quantity of coverage you have is very conditional on factors such as your state of residence, whether the facility is in or out of network, the length of your stay, and the quality of your insurance plan. Drug and alcohol addiction treatment costs can differ significantly from patient to patient, a program to program, and service to service.

What Different Types of Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment?

Outpatient Rehab

What does GEHA offer in terms of rehabilitation coverage regarding drug abuse treatment? Working with your doctor is the first step in addressing that issue because insurance companies prioritize covering “medically essential” treatment and “uses proven procedures.

Your doctor will inquire as to the length of your substance abuse history, the types of substances you use, the circumstances under which you use them, and more. This data will be used to formulate a suggested course of treatment.

Among the many possible treatments, the following are among the most frequently used:

Inpatient and Residential Rehab

Inpatient rehabilitation is the best option if you need round-the-clock medical supervision and care. Individuals can get and stay sober with the help of the staff at inpatient institutions, who can teach them to live without substances, deal with their cravings and urges, and build up healthy coping and living skills.

Outpatient Rehab

One of the most prevalent approaches to treating substance abuse is outpatient rehabilitation. Counseling, therapy, and medication management are just some methods you can use.

Patients undergoing outpatient care can remain in their homes and lead more independent lives than those undergoing inpatient care.

Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOPs)

Intensive outpatient programs allow patients to continue living at home while participating in a higher level of care than is possible in traditional outpatient settings. You can expect to engage in individualized therapy as well as a variety of activities.

The plan is to assist you in creating new routines and coping methods that will allow you to lead a productive life without drugs.

Partial Hospitalization Programs (PHP)

A PHP refers to a treatment plan that entails full-time treatment but does not mandate overnight stays in the hospital. You spend many hours a day at your therapist’s office for several days a week, yet you still get to go home at night. This can give you intensive care without requiring you to disrupt your relationships and routines completely.

Finding the right program for your needs is essential, but so is finishing the program. You won’t get the full benefit of the treatment if you leave early, even if you feel like you’re doing better. So make sure you find a program that meets your needs and then see it through to graduation.

GEHA Insurance Coverage for Mental Health Treatment

GEHA Insurance Coverage for Mental Health Treatment

Issues in mental health often accompany substance abuse. Recent research has shown that half of those who struggle with substance abuse also have a mental health diagnosis, commonly known as a co-occurring disorder.

Does GEHA cover mental health care? Due to the inclusion of mental health services in the ACA’s list of essential health benefits, GEHA covers mental health treatment. Check your GEHA plan’s coverage for mental health services before seeking therapy since it may differ.

Evidence suggests that treating both mental health and substance use simultaneously through dual-diagnosis treatment is far superior to treating either alone.

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For How Long Does GEHA Insurance Cover Drug and Alcohol Rehab?

There is no universally effective substance abuse treatment program since everyone has unique requirements. However, staying in treatment for an extended period is crucial to create sustainable changes in behavior and substance use.

Most people require at least 90 days of therapy to change their substance use behaviors majorly.

Your provider’s treatment recommendation will be considered when determining the length of time that your insurer will pay for rehab.

It is essential to check your coverage under your specific GEHA plan before beginning any course of therapy.

GEHA Insurance Plan Coverage for Substance Abuse and Addiction

Treating substance use disorders is crucial in getting one’s life back on track after experiencing the devastating effects of addiction. Detox and rehabilitation are critical in treating substance use disorders, whether one is dependent on alcohol or drugs. Some people may be unsure if GEHA insurance covers rehabilitation services.

According to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), practically all health plans in the United States, including GEHA plans, are required to pay for at least some of the cost of addiction treatment.

This is because the Affordable Care Act classifies mental and behavioral health services, including rehabilitation for substance abuse, as a fundamental tenet of human flourishing. Therefore, most insurance companies must give partial or complete coverage for outpatient mental and behavioral health therapies, including hospitalization.

Your GEHA Health Plan may not cover all the rehabilitation expenses.

The extent to which GEHA covers a person is determined by the premium they pay for their plan and the type of facility. Higher-priced plans typically feature more comprehensive out-of-network coverage and lower out-of-pocket costs for medical services.

Generally speaking, the deductible, copayment, and coinsurance amount that come with a plan that costs less each month also rise. It cannot be easy to figure out how much coverage you have.

Contact our admissions team for clarification if you are unsure about your treatment options and insurance coverage. Our friendly staff will be happy to examine your GEHA insurance plan and explain the best option.

What Are Your Options if Your GEHA Plan Doesn’t Fully Cover Drug Rehab?

Struggling to pay treatment cost

Your GEHA insurance plan may not cover the program of your choice or may only cover a portion of the total cost of treatment. But don’t let this deter you from seeking help. Think about all the options you have for paying for treatment instead. Some treatment facilities offer participants scholarships, while others will work with you to arrange payment plans.

Those who cannot afford therapy due to financial constraints may be able to obtain a personal loan or borrow money from loved ones. If you’ve been struggling to pay off debt due to substance abuse, quitting can help you get back on your feet materially, intellectually, and emotionally, putting you in a much better position to repay your debts.

You have earned a drug-free existence. It’s the most excellent present you can give yourself: a life of joy, health, and complete independence.

Up to 100% of Costs Covered – Reach out Now!

Get Help for Addiction at Icarus Behavioral Health in Nevada

Substance abuse disorder is a chronic disease with a wide range of negative consequences on your overall health and relationships. While there is no one-size-fits-all treatment method, it is essential to get professional help through a comprehensive treatment program. If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, you should seek help

Call us today at (702) 723-4774 or through our online contact form for professional medical advice on drug addiction treatment plans covered by GEHA in Nevada.