Alcohol Rehab in Las Vegas

Rehab Programs for Alcohol in Las Vegas Nevada

Recent statistics show that alcohol abuse is a serious problem in Las Vegas, Nevada. Alcohol is the most abused drug in the United States. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), more than 17 million people suffer from an alcohol use disorder. Alcohol is the most commonly used addictive substance in America and Nevada, according to a January 2016 study by NSDUH. This leads to a clear need for alcohol rehab Las Vegas services, one that is not likely to be reduced in the near future.

While legal, Alcohol addiction still amounts to a legitimate substance abuse problem for many people in Nevada as well as Las Vegas particularly.

If you suspect that you or a loved one may be struggling with this illness, keep reading to learn how it affects you and why professional substance abuse treatment at Icarus Behavioral Health in Nevada can help with the process of addiction recovery.

Why You Need to be Concerned about Drug and Alcohol Addiction

Why You Need to be Concerned about Drug and Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol is the most widely used drug in the world. According to the World Health Organization, alcohol consumption to the extent of substance abuse is responsible for 4% of all deaths and 5% of all disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) worldwide.

Alcohol is a depressant, which means that it slows down the body’s functions. It can act as a sedative and cause drowsiness or sleepiness, or it can make you feel more relaxed or less inhibited. Alcohol also lowers your inhibitions, which means that you may be tempted to do things you wouldn’t otherwise consider doing.

On the other side of these effects are those incurred during withdrawal, such as insomnia when stopping drinking, depression, anxiety, or even anhedonia (lack of pleasure in daily life).

The dangers of alcohol as a form of substance abuse are manyfold. Left unchecked and untreated, substance use disorder can come to affect virtually every aspect of your or your loved one’s life. Even if they are considered a high-functioning alcoholic, the consequences on health and family can be profound. Read on to learn more about the risks and why this is an issue that should be taken seriously.

24 Hour Help for Alcohol Abuse – Reach Out Now!

The Dangers of Alcohol Abuse for Physical Health

Alcoholism is a disease that can affect all major organs of the body. Alcohol abuse can lead to serious health problems, including cirrhosis and other chronic liver diseases, cardiovascular complications, nutritional deficiencies, pancreatitis, and cancer.

Excessive alcohol use may result in brain damage. Studies have shown that chronic alcoholics have smaller brains than non-alcoholics. The brains of heavy drinkers shrink over time because they have fewer nerve cells in certain areas of the brain. Because alcohol affects your brain chemistry and disrupts normal brain function, alcohol abuse can cause significant neurological damage over time. In addition to damaging nerve cells in your brain’s cerebral cortex (which controls memory), alcoholism also affects parts of your brain that control movement coordination and balance, making it difficult for people suffering from alcoholism to walk or talk properly. This can be seen as an early sign of alcoholism known as ataxia.

Heavy drinking can lead to high blood pressure (hypertension). This increases your risk for heart attack or stroke — two leading causes of death worldwide. These conditions can be worsened by long-term alcohol use as well as tobacco use and obesity. If you already have high blood pressure or another heart condition, drinking alcohol may make your situation worse because it makes your heart work harder to pump blood through your body.

Alcohol abuse causes scarring in the liver known as cirrhosis. Cirrhosis can lead to severe nausea and vomiting as well as bleeding disorders and liver failure. Excessive weight gain and poor weight management are also effects of alcohol abuse.

What Groups of People Are Most At-Risk for Alcoholism?

Victim of Alcohol Addiction

The term “at risk” refers to people who are more likely than others to develop alcoholism. Some of these people have a greater likelihood of becoming alcoholics because of their genetic makeup or because of their personal experiences. Others are at risk because they live in an environment that promotes alcohol abuse.

A person’s genes may be one reason he or she becomes an alcoholic. For example, if your parents were alcoholics and both of them were drinkers from their teens on, chances are you will become an alcoholic too if you don’t watch yourself carefully. Your genetic makeup can also influence how much alcohol it takes for you to get drunk easily (that is, the amount of alcohol required to affect your brain). The more susceptible you are to becoming addicted, the easier it will be for you to start drinking heavily as a teenager or young adult.

Risk Factors Leading to the Need for Substance Abuse Treatment

People who have experienced trauma or abuse are also at risk. Trauma can lead to alcohol dependence in several ways. It can lead to depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues which can cause a person to turn to alcohol to cope. In addition, people who have been abused often turn to drugs and alcohol as a way of coping with their negative emotions and mental health conditions. In fact, many addicts report having been abused as children and claim that this abuse led them down the road to drug use and addiction later in life as a means of self-medicating.

Socioeconomic factors also play a role in risk factors. Persons experiencing poverty or from economically displaced and disadvantaged communities are statistically more at-risk for falling into substance abuse than those from comparatively more privileged backgrounds.

The Link Between Mental Health Disorders and a Substance Use Disorder

Substance Use Disorder

The link between substance use disorders and mental health issues is well established. In fact, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) considers substance use disorders a risk factor for developing other mental health problems. These are then known as co-occurring disorders.

The link between mental health issues and substance use disorders has been well-documented and researched. A person with a substance use disorder is more likely to experience depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders. And vice versa: People who have a history of mental health struggles are more at risk for developing a substance use disorder. However, it’s important to note that not everyone who has a mental health issue will develop a substance use disorder and vice versa.

How Alcohol Abuse Affects Your Life

Alcoholism is a disease that can ruin your life. If you have a problem with drinking, you should get help. This can make it difficult to do anything else in life. Let’s look at how alcohol addiction affects the various aspects of your life.

Relationships and Social Life

Alcohol addiction is notorious for destroying personal relationships and bonds. You might become withdrawn from loved ones and friends. You might start ignoring them or avoiding them altogether because you feel embarrassed or ashamed about your drinking problem. You might even feel resentment toward them for not understanding your situation or for pressuring you to stop drinking when they don’t know what it’s like inside your head.

Alcohol addiction can strain relationships with co-workers and employers too. For example, if you show up late for work every day because of hangovers, people will get frustrated with you and might even lose respect for you as an employee or colleague — which could lead to negative consequences in the workplace down the road.

Legal Troubles Related to Drinking

Alcohol addiction can result in legal troubles for you not just in Las Vegas, Nevada, but virtually anywhere in the US. If you are arrested for driving under the influence (DUI), you may be charged with a crime. In some states, if you have a DUI on your record and get caught drinking again, you could go to jail.

The more often you drink and drive and get arrested, the longer your sentence may be. You also may have to pay fines and attend alcohol treatment classes. Some states have zero-tolerance laws for young drivers that make it illegal for them to even have an alcoholic beverage in their system while driving.

Aside from this, the elephant in the room is that excessive alcohol consumption while driving can, and tragically too often does lead to road fatalities. The legal consequences of incidents like this are significantly more serious.

What Are The Withdrawal Symptoms of Alcohol Abuse?

Withdrawal Symptoms of Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms are a series of ailments that occur when someone who has been drinking stops drinking suddenly or cuts back on their intake. The severity and length of time the symptoms last varies from person to person, depending on how much they drink and how long they’ve been abusing alcohol.

The symptoms of alcohol withdrawal often begin within 8 hours after your last drink. This is why professional treatment programs are often necessary for people who are dependent on alcohol. The withdrawal symptoms of alcohol addiction can be both physical and psychological.

Physical symptoms include:

  • Nausea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Stomach pains, cramps, and diarrhea.
  • Sweating and shivering.
  • Increased blood pressure and heart rate (“tachycardia”).
  • Insomnia or restlessness.

Psychological symptoms can include:

  • Anxiety or irritability.
  • Mood swings or depression.
  • Confusion and disorientation.

It is important to know that withdrawal symptoms can continue for upwards of weeks given a severe substance abuse problem. For this reason, looking into a professional treatment center for assistance with detoxification in a good detox program is recommended.

Why Is Alcohol Addiction Treatment the Best Choice Lasting Sobriety?

The best way to pursue substance abuse treatment in the Las Vegas area is through professional intervention. This type of specialized treatment is comprehensive and addresses all aspects of addiction including behavioral health. It helps people understand why they have a substance abuse problem and provides them with tools to deal with their drug or alcohol use.

Professional intervention can help people recover from their addiction in a safe environment where they can focus on themselves without distractions or temptations. Alcohol abuse has many negative effects on the mind, body, and overall health of an individual. Unfortunately, many people who suffer from this condition don’t seek help because they don’t know where to go or how to access a high-quality recovery center such as Icarus.

Get Medical Detox for Alcohol – Reach Out Now!

Inpatient Treatment vs Outpatient Programs for Alcohol

If you or a loved one is seeking substance abuse treatment for alcohol in Las Vegas, Nevada, you may have come across the terms “inpatient care”, or “outpatient treatment”. Virtually all substance abuse treatment options fall into these categories and so, it is important to understand the distinctions that underpin both of these approaches when deciding on a rehab facility and a treatment program. This way, you can make the best choice for yourself given your particular circumstances.

Inpatient treatment is a type of addiction recovery treatment that takes place at a treatment facility. Rehab facilities provide medical care and supervision to clients who need it while they undergo treatment. Inpatient rehab treatment programs are often considered the most intensive form of addiction treatment since clients are required to live at the residential treatment center while they receive medical care and counseling.

Inpatient treatment can be very beneficial for individuals who have been struggling with alcoholism for some time and have not been able to control their drinking on their own. When someone is addicted to alcohol, their body has become dependent on alcohol’s effects.

Outpatient treatment, on the other hand, is a type of addiction treatment that involves a client attending a recovery center for treatment on an outpatient basis. This recovery process is often recommended for people who are not dependent on drugs or alcohol but are still at risk of developing an addiction or relapsing into addiction.

The goal of outpatient treatment is to help the client improve their quality of life while they work on living sober and avoiding relapse. The exact format of the treatment will vary depending on the needs of the individual, but many programs consist of individualized treatment plans.

The Components of an Effective Alcohol Rehab Treatment Program

Behavioral Therapy

Substance abuse treatment plans will vary depending on the type and severity of the addiction. However, there are some common components that are usually present in effective plans that result in long-term recovery. Typically, it is common to treat both addiction and the mental health aspect of addiction.

In looking to treat substance abuse and mental health struggles, the client has the best chance of escaping the grip of addiction. This is better than seeking to sever just the chemical dependency on the substance. A good problem will make use of evidence-based therapies. Read on for more details as to how these treatment centers use their expertise to help clients back to a life of sobriety.


A professional detox at a recovery facility can help with alcoholism recovery by helping you overcome your physical dependence on alcohol. It is important to note that if you stop drinking suddenly after being addicted to alcohol for a long time, you may experience withdrawal symptoms.

Medical professionals supervise the detox process to ensure that clients are receiving all the care they need while going through withdrawal symptoms. This includes making sure clients don’t choke on their own vomit if they pass out due to a lack of oxygen supply in their bodies (hypoxia). Medical detox refers to the process of a medical professional administering medications throughout the detox process to lessen the severity of the withdrawal symptoms as much as is possible. This is commonly referred to as medication-assisted treatment and can be pivotal in success. The detox phase is traditionally where most persons struggling with addiction relapse.

Behavioral Therapy

Behavioral therapy is a form of treatment that helps people learn new behaviors that can improve their lives. It can be used in drug and alcohol rehab programs to treat addiction and other mental health disorders. It may also be used to prevent relapse in people who have already stopped abusing drugs or alcohol.

The first step in treating an addiction is to identify the problem and work on finding a solution. Some behavioral therapies will help you do this by creating goals for yourself and helping you reach them. Others may focus on changing your mood or emotions so that you feel more confident and better able to deal with stress and pressure without having to rely on substances. This may take the form of various styles of therapy rollout including individual and group therapy.

There are many different frameworks for behavioral therapy available, including:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). This type of treatment helps people learn how their thoughts influence their feelings, which then affects how they behave toward others and themselves. CBT helps individuals become aware of negative thought patterns and teaches them how to recognize these patterns before they turn into destructive behavior patterns. The goal is for patients to understand why they use drugs or alcohol so that they can change those behaviors over time by learning healthier ways to deal with stress or relieve anxiety.
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT). Another type of behavioral therapy used by recovery facilities is DBT, which focuses on helping people manage their emotions more effectively by teaching them skills such as mindfulness meditation, distress tolerance skills, and interpersonal effectiveness skills

Our Las Vegas Nevada Dual Diagnosis Treatment Programs

Dual diagnosis treatment is used when an individual has both a substance abuse problem and a mental health disorder. It can also be used when an individual has been diagnosed with both conditions but does not yet have symptoms associated with either one, but is likely to develop them in the future.

In either case, the goal of dual diagnosis treatment is to provide a safe environment where individuals can heal both physically and mentally while living in a supportive community of peers who have similar needs.

The goal of dual diagnosis treatment is to provide comprehensive treatment for both conditions, such as effective approaches to treat alcohol and gambling addiction together, PTSD treatment alongside substance abuse care, etc. This means that you will receive care from a team of professionals that includes addiction specialists as well as psychologists, psychiatrists, and other medical professionals. This approach allows for a more comprehensive assessment of your needs and ensures that all aspects of your care are addressed correctly.

Aftercare Planning: A Crucial Alcohol Rehab Las Vegas Service

Aftercare programs are designed to help clients maintain sober living for as long as possible. Aftercare programs typically include individual counseling sessions and group therapy sessions that focus on relapse prevention skills. Recovery coaches may also be available to help addicts adjust to life outside of treatment, while sobriety houses provide a supportive environment where recovering alcoholics can live independently while they continue their recovery process.

Aftercare programs usually involve attending support meetings with other recovering alcoholics and discussing challenges you may be facing in your recovery. These meetings, such as AA in Las Vegas, SMART Recovery, or others, can be an important part of maintaining your sobriety because they allow you to talk about problems as they arise rather than keeping them bottled up inside.

Icarus Offers a Convenient Destination for Sobriety Support in Nevada

Beyond the excellence of our programs, the facilities of Icarus are also ideally located for many residents of our home state of Nevada, as well as for those seeking out-of-state rehab programs with us from locales in Arizona and elsewhere. We are a short commute from the following locations in the Silver State, and suitable for both inpatient and outpatient clients from these areas:

  • Carson City
  • Ely
  • Enterprise
  • Henderson
  • Mesquite
  • Nellis
  • North Las Vegas
  • Pahrump
  • Paradise
  • Sparks
  • Sunrise Manor
  • Winchester
  • and many other locales in Nevada as well!

Quality Alcohol Treatment Facilities: What to Look For

Alcohol Addiction Treatment Facilities

If you’re on the search for high-quality alcohol rehab centers in the Las Vegas area, there are several things you should keep in mind when trying to discern the value of a particular facility. Whether you choose inpatient or outpatient care, there are several features to look for when evaluating a program.

The staff members should be certified in the type of treatment they provide and have experience working with individuals with similar needs. Most importantly, they should be compassionate and supportive, as well as knowledgeable about different types of treatment options available to clients

A high-quality addiction recovery facility in Las Vegas, Nevada, or elsewhere, will offer consistent services for all clients. We pride ourselves on just this at Icarus Nevada and provide a personalized treatment plan for each person who walks through our doors.

This means that every client receives similar treatment, no matter when they begin their treatment or how long they stay at the facility. Reputable addiction recovery facilities have integrated treatment plans that address all aspects of an individual’s recovery, including physical, mental, and emotional health.

Another important aspect of what makes a high-quality addiction recovery facility unique is its safe and comfortable environment. A good rehab center will have many policies in place to ensure that patients feel safe while they’re in recovery, including 24/7 security guards, locked doors at night, and an excellent recordkeeping system to ensure no one enters or exits without permission from staff members who are trained to detect signs of relapse or other problems among patients who may need additional support during their stay at the center.

Get Immediate Help For Alcohol Abuse – Reach Out Now!

Get Proven Programs to Help You Break Free From Alcohol Today!

At Icarus Behavioral Health in Nevada, our reputation precedes us. With a full suite of behavioral health services, our new Las Vegas rehab center facility is outfitted for all your needs with industry-leading amenities and a fully qualified and experienced staff.

Our treatment team is standing by to get you to the other side of addiction with expertise and compassion. Don’t hesitate to contact us today to get started!