What is the Success Rate of SMART Recovery?

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Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and SMART Recovery are among some of the most well-known support groups for people in addiction recovery. These meetings are free of cost and are widely available throughout the United States.

Research shows that support groups can boost treatment outcomes when used as an add-on to formal treatment for drug and alcohol abuse. What about SMART Recovery? What is the success rate of SMART Recovery?

At Icarus Behavioral Health Nevada, we use an individualized approach to treatment. Part of that is acknowledging that everyone recovering from addiction will take a unique path toward their goals, which may or may not include something like SMART Recovery.

This article will talk about the success rate of SMART Recovery as an add-on to addiction treatment, how SMART Recovery works, and how we incorporate SMART Recovery by helping clients get to in-person meetings.

Do SMART Recovery Success Rates Show Positive Outcomes?

Smart Recovery Meetings

Various studies have been conducted on support groups for people used in addiction recovery, including some that are specific to SMART Recovery meetings. Overall, SMART Recovery has a high success rate.

A pilot study on SMART Recovery as an add-on to outpatient treatment for alcohol and drug abuse showed that:

  • 94% of participants who attended meetings experienced substance use-related benefits. Specifically, reduction of use or successful maintenance of abstinence.
  • 71% showed improvements in their mental health and wellbeing.
  • 74% reported improvements in their physical health.
  • 81% reported feeling more connected with others.

Additionally, a randomized controlled trial looking at three-month outcomes resulting from the use of a web-based application based on SMART Recovery found that it led to higher rates of alcohol abstinence. Data collected from this trial specifically looked at individuals facing problematic drinking behaviors.

All in all, the SMART Recovery program takes a grounded and effective approach to addiction recovery. Whether SMART Recovery is a part of your personal journey or not, it’s important to give yourself appropriate credit for your commitment to healing.

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How SMART Recovery Works

SMART Recovery meetings welcome people overcoming addictions of all kinds, whether a substance use disorder like alcohol use disorder or a behavioral addiction like gambling.

SMART Recovery helps attendees build and maintain motivation, learn and use coping skills, navigate their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and create lifestyle balance.

Many people feel nervous about attending their first meeting, but knowing what to expect can help. Here’s a little bit about how SMART Recovery works.

In-person and Online Meetings

Online Meetings

Both online and in-person SMART Recovery meetings are held nationwide. In-person mutual help meetings or groups can be ideal for those who favor face-to-face interaction.

On the other hand, virtual meetings might be best for someone in a rural area, who does not drive, who has a busy schedule, or who has lower access to face-to-face meetings for any other reason.

Both online and in-person meetings are entirely free. Both local and online SMART Recovery meetings can be found on the meetings page of the official SMART Recovery website.

What to Expect in a Meeting

Most SMART Recovery meetings last for around an hour and a half (90 minutes), but some are shorter. At a SMART Recovery meeting, you and other members will talk about how the past week has been and your recovery goals for the following week, in addition to other topics.

When you search for meetings online, it should list how long that specific meeting will take.

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SMART Program Principles

Common themes you’ll notice in SMART Recovery include self-empowerment and self-efficacy. SMART Recovery principles include:

  • Self-management: SMART Recovery believes in your ability to manage behaviors.
  • Evidence-led: SMART Recovery is based on research-backed therapy methods, including behavioral and motivational therapies frequently used in formal addiction treatment programs.
  • Mutual support: SMART Recover offers free mutual help for addiction, encouraging attendees to support one another. In meetings, you will have the chance to build relationships with and learn from other attendees.
  • Person-centered: SMART Recovery emphasizes your lived experience.
  • Choice: SMART Recovery is personalized, encouraging the idea that the goals, tools, and skills you use in your recovery journey are your choice.

There are many reasons people choose SMART Recovery as an alternative or complement to Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous.

While all of these meeting types can be beneficial for those struggling with addiction and, to this point, have comparative efficacy, they certainly take a different approach to treating drug, alcohol abuse, and mental health issues.

There are also some common denominators that promote success, such as camaraderie among attendees.

How Icarus Behavioral Health Nevada Incorporates SMART Recovery Meetings

Recovery meetings

While SMART Recovery meetings are not a program requirement, Icarus Behavioral Health Nevada does offer SMART meetings when possible for our clients. SMART Recovery is evidence-based, and we know that meetings can play a critical role in recovery for many people.

Research even suggests that self-help group attendance is associated with higher rates of treatment retention and completion for people facing substance abuse. This includes a cross-sectional study looking at 75,252 discharges from treatment programs—a very substantial group size.

Since SMART Recovery is largely based on evidence-based interventions like rational emotive behavioral therapy (REBT) and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), we are confident that the SMART program can be a suitable add-on to treatment for people in our programs.

The experts at our Nevada drug and alcohol rehab center use evidence-based treatment methods like CBT, REBT, motivational interviewing, and trauma-informed therapy for substance use disorders and mental health conditions.

More About Icarus Behavioral Health in Nevada

Our Las Vegas recovery center offers inpatient and outpatient programs for people overcoming substance abuse, mental health, and dual-diagnosis disorders.

Icarus Behavioral Health Nevada accepts most-to-all types of insurance, including Medicaid, meaning that your treatment with us could be up to 100% free of cost.

Since many people are drawn toward mutual aid support groups because they are free, this is something to take note of. Please contact Icarus Behavioral Health Nevada confidentially to learn more about how we can help you or your loved one overcome addiction.

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SMART Meetings Can Support For Sobriety

Do you want to learn more about treatment at Icarus Behavioral Health Nevada or how SMART meetings can support your sobriety in addition to our programs? Get in touch with our team today.

Icarus Behavioral Health Nevada is a top-rated treatment center dedicated to helping individuals and families heal from addiction and mental health concerns. To connect with us, get your questions answered, or start the intake process, call the admissions line on our website.

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FAQs About the Success Rates for SMART Recovery

What does “SMART” stand for in SMART Recovery?

SMART stands for “Self Management and Recovery Training.” Formerly called Rational Recovery Self-Help Network, SMART Recovery took on its current name in 1994.

Which is better, AA or smart?

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is another popular support group, but unlike SMART Recovery, AA is geared toward people who have a drinking problem only. Both AA and SMART Recovery can support you as you overcome addiction.

Many people choose SMART Recovery over AA groups because they do not involve choosing a higher power. While a higher power in AA is not inherently religious, it isn’t the right approach for everyone.

Ultimately, the support group that benefits you most may vary depending on who you are. It’s okay to try multiple types of support groups until you find the right fit.

Is SMART Recovery a 12-step meeting?

No. Unlike AA and Narcotics Anonymous (NA), SMART Recovery does not use the twelve steps. The SMART Recovery website states that their approach is contingent on science and self-reliance rather than spirituality. SMART Recovery is one of multiple non-twelve-step support group options for people overcoming addiction.


  1. https://ascpjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13722-023-00406
  2. https://www.jmir.org/2013/7/e134/
  3. https://smartrecovery.org/meeting
  4. https://smartrecovery.org/what-is-smart-recovery
  5. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/want-to-stop-harmful-drinking-aa-versus-smart-recovery-202409053068
  6. https://www.jsad.com/doi/10.15288/jsad.2022.83.383
  7. https://smartrecovery.org/about-us/frequently-asked-questions