How Do Residential and Outpatient Rehab Programs Compare?

Comparing Inpatient Treatment and Outpatient Offerings at Icarus

If you’re researching treatment center options for substance abuse or mental health issues, you probably have several pressing questions. The most commonly asked question among those searching for a treatment facility is this:

How do residential and outpatient rehab programs compare?

It can be challenging to understand the differences between residential and outpatient, as many of the therapeutic offerings are fundamentally similar, but you also see some key differences we will break down over the course of this resource.

At Icarus Behavioral Health in Nevada, we sometimes compare these differences to learning to cook a new dish. Some people opt to attend a haute cuisine course led by a chef who imposes strict rules every step of the way.

Others might order a meal kit with complete instructions that offer suggestions every step of the way – it offers greater flexibility. At the end of either lesson, as long as you start with quality ingredients, you end up in the same place, enjoying a wonderful home-cooked meal.

Please join us as we compare and contrast inpatient treatment with outpatient treatment programs.

Residential Rehab Programs Versus Outpatient Care

How Do Residential and Outpatient Rehab Programs Compare - Icarus Behavioral Health

Like the cooking class mentioned above, both residential and outpatient rehab share a common goal: To provide clients with effective, evidence-based care.

While the treatment programs share goals and even methods of providing mental health care, the settings are somewhat different. These differences provide options to address the highly individualized needs of each client who needs support.

The next sections will examine the original question further and answer it: How do residential and outpatient rehab programs compare?

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Residential Rehab and Outpatient Rehab and Co-Occurring Mental Health Disorders

In those who also have co-occurring diagnoses, such as substance use disorders, it also means addressing the alcohol or drug addiction.

Here’s an example. We have often found that clients abuse prescription drugs to ease the pain after suffering trauma. The highly addictive nature of opioids “rewires” the brain and makes it difficult to feel pleasure without the drugs. So we must provide addiction treatment for the prescription abuse as well as work through the trauma to help the client heal fully.

In some cases, outpatient rehab can address this dual diagnosis. For those with a more severe condition, residential rehab might be the better place.

This decision always comes down to client needs.

Residential Treatment Programs Require Full-time Commitment

Residential inpatient rehab programs are a fully immersive experience. This option requires clients to live at the inpatient care center full-time, allowing them to focus 100 percent on therapy sessions without outside influences or distractions.

Inpatient Treatment Provides:

  • A structured environment
  • Access to around-the-clock care
  • Comprehensive treatment programs
  • A community of others experiencing similar challenges

The inpatient rehab setting removes temptations or triggers that could disrupt the client’s progress. This setting is usually reserved for those with the most severe addictions and or dual-diagnosis clients.

Inpatient Programs Follow a Rigorous Schedule

Inpatient Program

Residential programs offer a predictable daily life routine. At Icarus Nevada, each inpatient rehab plan fits clients’ specific therapy needs.

Here is a fairly standard routine and some treatment modalities you will likely encounter in our inpatient program:

  • Morning routine: Wake up; enjoy a nutritious breakfast; morning meditation or journal writing.
  • Attending scheduled treatment sessions: Attend individual or group therapy sessions with our specially-trained, licensed therapists.
  • Lunch break: Physical recovery is closely linked to mental health. A good, nutritious lunch is a must!
  • Holistic therapy sessions: Holistic therapies may include alternative therapies like art therapy or yoga classes.
  • Family therapy: Some days, you might be swapping holistic therapy for family sessions. After receiving treatment, your family must be a strong support system. Therapists help you communicate in a controlled environment.
  • Coping strategies or life skills training: Clients master an important life skill at Icarus Nevada: They develop coping strategies to eventually replace their old habits with new tools for long-lasting mental health.
  • Exercise or recreational time: This time is great for hitting our gym, enjoying time sitting outside, or walking to improve fitness.
  • Dinner: Sit down to a community dinner with your peer support system. After a long day of immersive treatment, the discussions are quite often fun and lively as clients enjoy the mutual support of their peers.
  • Evening relaxation and lights out: Setting a bedtime routine will encourage a healthier lifestyle.

The highly structured environment of residential treatment is necessary to support healing from the most severe substance use disorders and mental health disorders. At Icarus in Las Vegas, every accommodation in our residential program will feel like a home away from home.

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Outpatient Rehab Programs Allow for Greater Flexibility

When you look at how outpatient rehab programs compare to residential, the main thing you notice is the evening flexibility. Those who come to Icarus Nevada for outpatient programs go home or to the supportive setting of a sober living home when they leave the treatment center each day.

Outpatient Programs Provide the Same Therapies as Residential Rehab, Plus:

  • Flexibility to attend school, work, or take care of family needs
  • Individual, family, and group therapy
  • Comprehensive treatment programs (Inpatient and outpatient rehab offer the same expert services)
  • Return home at night to a supportive home environment

Outpatient treatment options are usually an excellent option for those who need less severe addiction treatment. Outpatient programs are also good for someone without a dual diagnosis or others who require less intensive treatment than inpatient programs.

Outpatient Therapy and Treatment: Two Program Choices

Outpatient Therapy

If an outpatient rehab program best suits your needs, you have one more choice to make. Which outpatient treatment program will most effectively address your concerns?

Partial Hospitalization Programs (PHP)

Clients in the partial hospitalization program go home at night. However, their daily schedule closely mirrors the routine day in inpatient care. This outpatient treatment option is a bit less restrictive than residential treatment. Still, it provides a structure for those learning to manage or recover from mental illnesses, including substance abuse.

Clients receive the same comprehensive care as the residential rehab program, including:

  • Managing withdrawal symptoms
  • Medication-assisted treatment
  • Exploring relapse prevention strategies
  • Individual, family, and group therapy
  • Support groups
  • Continuous encouragement

You can plan to attend therapy five days per week, eight hours per day. If an outpatient program sounds like the appropriate addiction treatment for you, we are here to help.

Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP)

An intensive outpatient program is the next step below the PHP in terms of flexibility. Clients receive similarly intensive therapies as inpatient and outpatient rehab in a structured setting. They attend the treatment center five days a week for outpatient therapy for three hours daily. Call us for information on program times.

For some, especially with short-term drug abuse, intensive outpatient programs provide the right amount of support. They’re also a good step down from a residential rehab program or PHP while still maintaining daily life and obligations.

Icarus Offers Personalized Residential and Outpatient Rehab Plans

Regardless of the level of care necessary for your recovery process, you will receive a strong foundation for long-lasting success. Both options offer unique benefits, and we structure all clients’ residential and outpatient rehab programs around individual needs.

We acknowledge that every path to recovery is as unique as the individual undertaking it. Our Las Vegas recovery center staff promises to design a treatment program that meets your specific needs.

Insurance Coverage Questions? We Have Answers!

Asking Insurance Coverage Questions

Many people decide between residential and outpatient rehab programs based on which option is most affordable to them. Our admissions team can help you apply numerous benefits (such as spousal co-insurance or flexible spending plan dollars) along with your insurance plan to make care affordable.

In many cases, the insurer will not approve inpatient rehab until you meet certain criteria. These deciding factors can be:

  • A severe addiction to drugs or alcohol
  • Past outpatient treatment has not been long-lasting for your substance abuse
  • An unsafe daily life or unstable home environment
  • Other medical necessity (i.e., threats of self-harm)

These factors can make the difference between inpatient and outpatient rehab when insurers review your case for approval.

Getting the pre-authorization for addiction treatment to ensure coverage can be triggering.

Call us today if you still have questions about how the programs compare or if you have the insurance coverage you need. We will gladly address any concerns and will even call your insurance company to help you get approved.

Up To 100% of Rehab Costs Covered By Insurance – Call Now!

Call Icarus Nevada for Supportive Inpatient Rehab or Outpatient Programs

Whether you choose residential rehab or outpatient care, you’ll receive top-of-the-line care at Icarus. Our team will support your recovery goals throughout every step of the way, with a goal of lasting sobriety for years after leaving inpatient or outpatient rehab.

Call our admissions team today. All calls are confidential, so reach out now and we can help you decide if a residential program or outpatient rehab will best suit your needs and goals.