A Proven Mental Health IOP for Las Vegas

Get Mental Health Support Convenient to Clark County at Icarus

Are you ready for what comes next from residential care before you confidently transition back to your daily life and routines? A mental health IOP might be the level of care necessary to ease you into your return to the community. At this level of care, we can help you during the day while giving you freedom at night.

But why should you consider enrolling in intensive outpatient programs instead of calling it quits on your treatment?

A mental health IOP allows us to continue monitoring you for improvement, especially in the realm of complex medication management. It provides you with structure while still allowing for flexibility in how you choose to spend your time. Plus, you get many of the same services you would have gotten during inpatient treatment.

Icarus Behavioral Health in Nevada is proud to offer our intensive outpatient program to those with mental health conditions and substance abuse. We can help you take the first steps toward a healing journey. Keep reading to learn more about these programs and why you may benefit.

What is an Intensive Outpatient Program?

Outpatient treatment

Outpatient treatment is on the rise. An intensive outpatient program (IOP) is great for all sorts of issues ranging from mental health to substance use disorders. Icarus Nevada specializes in treatment for both, but what should you expect from outpatient therapy?

Our IOP programs allow you to spend several hours each day in our facility, working with our therapists, and engaging in a robust array of activities that support your mental health. At the end of the day, you won’t sleep in our facility but rather in your bed at home with your loved ones.

Research shows that in-person treatment like what you’ll receive at Icarus is still necessary, even in a world that has mostly gone to virtual appointments.

In other words, you get a safe space and a structured program during the day and return to your life outside of our program at night. That means you could go back to work, start to repair relationships with your loved ones, or simply practice a new way of life while you get your feet back underneath you.

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What’s the Difference Between IOP and Partial Hospitalization?

Some people may want to turn to partial hospitalization before they transition straight to IOP. Under this umbrella, you will spend far more time in our facility at Icarus, giving you the support needed to make a move from residential treatment back to responsibilities. You’ll likely spend a full day in PHP whereas you only have a few hours to spend in IOP.

You may also be able to arrange to only attend IOP a few days a week, giving you more freedom to go to work or prepare for a transition into aftercare. Some people like to attend PHP for a while and then make the jump to IOP treatment, giving them the ability to scale down slowly.

Both have an important role in your recovery from a mental health issue. Discuss the possible treatment options with your provider to see what is right for you.

For many people, these levels of care are the recommended course of treatment. Sticking with it and enrolling in IOP can prove to be more beneficial than dropping out prematurely.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Statistics

Maybe you would feel better knowing that you aren’t alone in your pursuit of improved mental health. According to research conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, they found that one in four adults struggled with a mental illness of some kind in the past year.

The good news is that you don’t have to suffer alone from mental health conditions, alcohol abuse, or drug abuse. IOP intensive outpatient programs provide the support necessary to improve your overall quality of life. Because it’s more intensive than traditional outpatient therapy, you get the support you need condensed into a smaller timeframe.

5 Benefits of Intensive Outpatient Programs for Mental Health

Intensive Outpatient Programs

Before enrollment in an intensive outpatient program, you might have lots of questions. At the top of the list for many people is this: What benefits come with outpatient treatment and why should you look into treatment programs that offer this level of care?

Here are some of the benefits of our intensive outpatient treatment programs here at Icarus Behavioral Health.

1) Less Restrictive with Some Structure to Transition

Once you make the transition from inpatient treatment to an IOP program, you’ll suddenly find that you have far more freedom. You can come and go from our facility at your leisure as long as you still attend your individual therapy sessions and group therapy. Otherwise, your time is completely your own.

Most people spend all day with us, returning to their daily lives to have dinner and sleep in their bed at night. It gives you a structured program that allows the transition to happen smoothly. Most people find that they struggle in periods of downtime. We provide the routine necessary to cope with this challenge.

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2) Practice Skills While Under the Care of an Experienced Team

One of the things we emphasize during our mental health treatment is new coping skills and strategies to help you manage when you transition back to your life. The perk of our intensive outpatient programs is that you can start to put those skills into practice before being left on your own with just a handful of therapy sessions each week.

You get the real-world application of the skills learned while still retaining the same support you had in residential treatment. If something goes awry or you find yourself struggling, you have a safe space to return and troubleshoot the issue.

3) Access the Same Services as Residential Treatment

Residential Treatment

Our inpatient treatment program is robust and packed full of evidence-based therapies for the best outcomes. We believe in offering music and art therapy, yoga therapy, and a range of complementary therapies that have proven to be great for mental health. These services may not be covered by your health insurance policy outside of our facility.

The good news is that you may still have access to some of these therapies when you’re in our partial hospitalization program or our intensive outpatient program. It gives you the support necessary to find new coping skills, habits, and activities that you love.

4) Continued Medication Management and Monitoring

If your treatment team feels that you would benefit from medication to help you with your mental health or addiction treatment, we can provide you with options. Unfortunately, some of these medicines take a long time to work effectively and may not be in your system by the time you leave inpatient care.

Opting for an outpatient treatment program allows us to continue monitoring the response to prescribed medications. We can help you adjust dosages, add and subtract medications, and generally make sure that you feel comfortable and confident with what you’re taking.

We will get to know you very well throughout this process and can track historical data from your chart to ensure that you’re improving.

5) Connection to the Community

Twelve Step program

Once you’re released from inpatient, you may have to learn how to leverage your community once more. In addition to being able to spend more time with loved ones, you can also start to explore the services that are locally based to support you for the long haul.

For example, you may attend Twelve Step programs like Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, or Crystal Meth Anonymous, as well as others like SMART Recovery. There are many such treatment programs for mental health issues as well. These programs will give you peer support that you can continue to tap into even once you graduate from our IOP treatment sessions.

Instead of focusing only on the here and now, you should turn your attention to the longevity of your recovery. It truly does take a village to manage your mental health, you may always have to be vigilant about your progress. Tapping into community resources can be extremely beneficial and cost-effective.

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Let Icarus Behavioral Health in Nevada Help You Thrive

You don’t have to struggle alone with your mental health. Whether you struggle with eating disorders or mood disorders, trauma or substance use disorders, you can get the help you need at Icarus Behavioral Health Nevada. We offer comprehensive treatment programs with evidence-based therapies to give you the gold standard of care.

Better yet, we offer same-day admissions so that you never have to wait when you’re ready to seek the help you need.

Let Icarus help you take the first steps toward a healthier and more vibrant life. Our admissions team will answer all of your questions and verify your insurance coverage with a quick phone call. That’s all it takes to get started on the road to recovery today!


  1. Olfson, M., Wang, S., Wall, M., Marcus, S. C., & Blanco, C. (2019). Trends in Serious Psychological Distress and Outpatient Mental Health Care of US Adults. JAMA psychiatry, 76(2), 152–161.
  2. Zhu, J. M., Myers, R., McConnell, K. J., Levander, X., & Lin, S. C. (2022). Trends In Outpatient Mental Health Services Use Before And During The COVID-19 Pandemic. Health affairs (Project Hope), 41(4), 573–580.
  3. Olfson, M., Mojtabai, R., Sampson, N. A., Hwang, I., Druss, B., Wang, P. S., Wells, K. B., Pincus, H. A., & Kessler, R. C. (2009). Dropout from outpatient mental health care in the United States. Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.), 60(7), 898–907.
  4. HHS, SAMHSA Release 2022 National Survey on Drug Use and Health Data. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2023, November 13).