Our Depression Treatment Las Vegas Services

Find Proven Assistance for Depressive Disorders at Icarus Nevada

If you’re searching online for “depression treatment Las Vegas,” the chances are good that you or a loved one has challenges with moderate to severe depression. Seeking treatment for depression is a smart choice. Some clients have described depression as hot coal smoldering deep inside the soul. It glows and heats quietly, barely noticeable at first.

But the slow burn lingers and can suddenly ignite and spread into a raging fire. Getting help from a treatment center is like grabbing a fire extinguisher to smother the flame before it consumes you.

Icarus Behavioral Health Nevada is well-known in Las Vegas for providing intensive therapy for substance use disorder. But what many don’t realize is that we address all mental health conditions, including providing depression treatment. Whether you have depression alone or with co-occurring disorders, our mental health professionals will use evidence-based therapies to help you live life to the fullest.

We invite you to continue reading to learn more about how we construct individualized treatment plans for depression and all related symptoms.

Treating Depression and Other Mental Health Conditions at Icarus Las Vegas

Treating Depression and Other Mental Health Condition

The Icarus team never takes a one-size-fits-most approach to the depression recovery process. We take a holistic, comprehensive approach that encompasses many tools to help people regain control of their well-being.

Here are some of the often-used, evidence-based therapies we rely on to provide exceptional treatment during inpatient and outpatient services:

  • Individual therapy, working with a licensed counselor in a supportive environment.
  • Group therapy or support groups, where clients work together to solve problems and lift up each other.
  • Family therapy, to boost your support as you make important lifestyle changes. Recommendations may include regular exercise or learning to be mindful of self-compassion.
  • Interpersonal therapy sessions can help relieve depression by improving interpersonal functioning.
  • Transcranial magnetic stimulation is a non-invasive treatment using magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in the brain.
  • Dialectical behavior therapy helps people accept negative thoughts and behaviors and reshape them to the positive.
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy is psychotherapy that helps people develop life skills to manage their daily life better.
  • Medication management allows our compassionate team to the right medication to manage depression symptoms.

Each client’s healing journey at Icarus is unique. We apply the best evidence-based approaches based on client needs. Whether attending inpatient treatment for depression or one of our outpatient treatment programs (Icarus offers an intensive outpatient program or mental health IOP as well as a partial hospitalization program or PHP), our goal is clear. Each client will be provided the opportunity for complete, lasting recovery from depression, substance abuse, or any other mental health issues.

Depression Is Not Just Sadness; It’s a Mental Health Disorder

Sadness vs Depression

Similar feelings may arise from both sadness and depression, but sadness is usually fleeting and doesn’t cause major upheaval in one’s life. Sadness is a feeling or emotion; it will generally pass on its own most of the time.

On the other hand, ongoing depression, or major depressive disorder, is recognized among mood disorders in the DSM-5. Like other illnesses, depression symptoms often require a tailored treatment plan and ongoing support to improve.

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The Most Common Signs of Suffering from Depression

Here is a list of the most common signs that someone is struggling with depression:

  • Persistent, ongoing sadness that doesn’t resolve after a few months.
  • Emotions are disruptive to their everyday life; depression overwhelms daily functioning.
  • Don’t always have specific triggers or events that led to these feelings.
  • May have experienced an intense trauma.
  • Decline in overall well-being; fatigue, sleep loss, changes in appetite, and chronic pain may also be present.
  • Expression of negative thought patterns
  • Feeling hopeless, unloveable, or unworthy.
  • Loss of joy or enjoyment in life.
  • May self-medicate with alcohol or drugs.

Suicidal thoughts or thinking of self-harm indicates the need for immediate specialized care. Call *988 immediately for your loved one, and get them to an emergency department, when specially trained professionals will closely monitor your family member. After that, call Icarus to arrange for professional help after stabilization.

Several of the most frequent depression symptoms overlap with anxiety disorders, stress-related conditions, and other mental health conditions. Seek a correct diagnosis from the experienced team at Icarus Nevada if you have any questions about your mental well-being. We can support you with a variety of treatment options, whether for high functioning depression or for a major depressive disorder.

The Link Between Depression and Substance Use Disorder

Depression and Substance Use Disorder

Depression and substance abuse connect to each other, weaving a sticky web that can worsen each condition. People who have depression may become addicted to drugs while self-medicating. Using drugs or alcohol gives them temporary relief. But it also disrupts the brain, making the depression even worse over time.

On the flip side, abusing substances can lead to depression. Drugs or alcohol “rewire” the brain and set off several chemical changes. People in this predicament might feel fatigue, hopelessness, or pervasive sadness. It can also lead to other negatively influencing factors, such as job loss, family issues, or legal consequences – all of which can lead to even greater despair.

It’s a classic chicken-or-egg-came-first situation in some cases. The solution is outpatient or inpatient mental health treatment from skilled, compassionate counselors.

Get Effective Depression and Mental Health Treatment

What Causes Depression and Similar Mental Health Disorders?

The need for effective treatment centers across the United States is clear. The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) reported that approximately 21 million Americans, 8.3% of people, have had one or more depressive episodes in the past year.

Many who have severe depression also have additional mental health concerns, such as anxiety or problems with substance abuse.

That might give you pause and wonder what has caused such a widespread problem. Keep reading to learn a few of the many causes.

Trauma and Stress Often Lead to Depression

Traumatic events and stressful situations in life can lead to depression if left untreated. Some triggering events that lead to PTSD, which is closely linked to both depression and anxiety, include:

  • Being the victim of an assault or abuse
  • Losing a loved one
  • Vehicle accidents, especially an incident resulting in severe injury or death
  • Surviving a natural disaster, war, or famine

It takes an experienced team of professionals to sort out the depression and PTSD symptoms. PTSD and related depression can be managed with skilled therapy.

Brain Chemistry Imbalances and Hormonal Changes

Depression can also occur when someone has imbalances in brain chemistry. This situation encompasses changes in neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine.

These imbalances and hormonal changes may arise from pregnancy, thyroid disease, or the body’s natural aging process. They can also be the result of some medication, especially when someone uses drugs to self-medicate.

Depression treatment for these imbalances often includes therapy and medication management.

Medical Conditions Can Contribute to Depression

Medical Conditions Can Contribute to Depression

Having a chronic illness diagnosis can add to the likelihood of a decline in mental health. It’s not uncommon for people with cancer, fibromyalgia, or heart disease to become depressed about the decline in quality of life.

Depression treatment for this depression often includes support groups, therapy, and medication management.

Environmental Factors That Worsen Depression

People who live in poverty, social isolation, or marginalized communities often require compassionate treatment for depression. Unfortunately, these groups also are the least likely to have access to mental health services and depression treatment.

Help for this depression includes individual and group therapy and finding other supportive services to improve overall mental health.

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Get Help for Depression at Icarus Las Vegas

If depression is holding you back from enjoying the things that once made you happy, it’s time to get help from Icarus Behavioral Health’s Las Vegas outpatient or inpatient treatment center. We are located a short drive from Henderson and other Clark County communities.

Our team is compassionate and highly knowledgeable about mental health matters. That includes knowing what it takes to win a fight against major depression.

If you’re ready to give our treatment center a chance, we are here to serve your mental health needs. Call us today to schedule your treatment.