Our Local Boulder City Rehab Support Programs

Get Recovery Support Convenient to Boulder City at Icarus Nevada

Those seeking Boulder City rehab for substance abuse will undoubtedly locate the best resources about 30 minutes away in Las Vegas. Rehabilitation services in Boulder City, NV, often address addiction care, usually a simple methadone treatment plan.

However, they often don’t offer services tailored to meet individual needs or dig to uncover the root causes of chemical dependency. Without individualized treatment plans and ongoing support, achieving lasting recovery is almost impossible.

Icarus Behavioral Health in Nevada offers comprehensive, evidence-based drug and alcohol treatment programs. Our full continuum of care can offer support and healing for all mental health issues and substance use disorders. Our clients benefit from our specialized program offerings, which our dedicated team employs to meet each person’s unique needs.

Please join us to read more about our pathway to long-term recovery, just a half-hour drive from Boulder City, Nevada.

Our Effective Drug and Alcohol Treatment Programs Near Boulder City

Addiction Recovery Quote

Icarus Behavioral Health Nevada offers you or your loved one a full continuum of care, with a personalized treatment plan at every stage of the recovery journey. Everyone has access to a full stack of services, including:

  • One-on-one substance abuse counseling and therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Family therapy
  • Learning new coping tools (behavioral counseling)
  • Aftercare/relapse prevention planning

Regardless of where clients are in the recovery process, our Las Vegas recovery center treatment team has a united goal: to provide high-quality mental health services that will heal both addiction and any other mental health issues.

Get Effective Detox and Rehab Options at Icarus

Medical Detox: The First Step of Addiction Treatment

Whether you are a good candidate for our outpatient or residential setting, the road to full recovery starts with medically supervised detox services. Our professionals monitor each patient in the detox program with a close eye on any physical or mental health symptoms that may develop as your body metabolizes any remaining substance and eliminates it from the body.

With Icarus Nevada, you receive the highest-quality care and will receive FDA-approved medication to alleviate any pain.

Residential Treatment Can Meet Many Challenges

Inpatient rehab or residential treatment is the best setting for those with the most persistent addiction to alcohol or their drug of choice. Residents receive around-the-clock treatment from our team of licensed, experienced therapists and counselors.

The highly structured program is best for those with the largest challenges; we can meet all the specific needs of residential clients in this program. At Icarus Behavioral Health in Nevada, this setting is warm and comfortable; it does not feel like a hospital.

Outpatient Services for Greater Flexibility

Outpatient Services

Some clients need help for substance abuse but cannot commit to inpatient treatment, usually because of family or career commitments. Outpatient clients also struggle with alcohol and drug use. However, their symptoms are somewhat less severe, and they have the ability to sleep at home or in a sober living facility overnight without a relapse.

This setting is structured while in addiction treatment during the day, offering greater flexibility at night.

Substance Use Disorder Plus Other Mental Health Issues (Dual Diagnosis)

People receiving either outpatient or residential treatment services may have a substance use disorder plus an additional mental health diagnosis. You’ll hear Icarus Nevada staff call this scenario “dual diagnosis” or “co-occurring disorders.” Some common examples are depression, bipolar disorder, trauma (PTSD), or anxiety.

Usually, the person starts using a particular drug or alcohol to self-medicate or numb the troubling symptoms of the mental health problem. Sometimes they are aware they have co-occurring disorders.

But it’s not uncommon for the mental health issue to come as a surprise to clients seeking treatment. Clients receive education on managing the underlying illness as they end their struggles with drug and alcohol addiction. Treatment of both is a must, warns the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

Aftercare Programs to Achieve Lasting Recovery

Before you leave our Las Vegas treatment services to return to your daily routine in Boulder City, Nevada, we will ensure that you have a relapse prevention plan, or aftercare plan, ready and at your fingertips. You will undoubtedly face triggers and temptations. But with your newfound freedom from chemical dependency, you are stronger and will have a self-determined plan that covers how you will respond.

Get Accredited Treatment Programs at Icarus

Pursuing Sober Living in Boulder City, NV

Your life will be completely changed after completing treatment services at our alcohol and drug rehab programs. The best way to defend against triggering substance abuse is to avoid the people, activities, and places that led you to addiction to begin with. That usually requires cultivating new friendships and habits; it also means finding new ways to spend free time to avoid relapsing. Here are some sober-friendly activities; we include suggestions for individuals and families.https://icarusbehavioralhealthnevada.com/drug-rehab/las-vegas/

Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous as Group Therapy

Group Therapy

During your time at the recovery center in Las Vegas, you probably saw how effective it can be to let therapists lead treatment in a group setting. While AA and NA are not clinical treatment services, they’re nevertheless extremely important to ongoing recovery.

Both follow the classic 12-step alcohol or drug recovery model and provide extra support after treatment. Here’s where you can find these groups in Boulder City:

AA in Boulder City

Here are three options to attend AA meetings in Boulder:

  • Monday 7:30 pm: Grace Community Church, 1150 Wyoming St., Boulder City, NV
  • Tuesday 2:00 pm: Safe Nest Building 544 Avenue H, Boulder City, NV
  • Saturday 10:00 am: Safe Nest Building 544 Avenue H, Boulder City, NV

Those three are a small sampling; you can check out the Las Vegas AA Central Office website for a larger listing of Alcoholics Anonymous meeting times in Boulder City, Nevada. If the available meetings and locations don’t suit your schedule, you will also find several options in Henderson.

NA in Boulder City, Nevada

Boulder City residents have access to two NA groups; there are also the nearby Henderson NA meetings. Here are a few:

  • Tuesday 7:00 pm: Safe Nest Building 544 Avenue H, Boulder City, NV
  • Friday 6:00 pm: Dignity Health, 102 E. Lake Mead Pkwy., Henderson, NV
  • Saturday 7:00 pm: Safe Nest Building 544 Avenue H, Boulder City, NV

NA Meetings are a little scarcer than AA. If you can spare the drive time, Las Vegas unlocks even more opportunities to attend NA

A Focus on Physical Fitness After Treatment

Focus on Physical Fitness After Treatment

You most likely saw a physical transformation happening while healing your addiction. Getting outside and hitting some local walking and hiking trails can help you continue to make progress on your new, improved physique.

  • Historic Railroad Trail: An old railway turned into a fitness opportunity that enables you to hike up to 75 miles, taking in lovely views of Lake Mead and the Boulder basin.
  • Hemenway Valley Park: Ramble a beautiful nature trail; keep your eyes open for the bighorn sheep that often come from the mountains to graze at the park. Pack a lunch and enjoy the picnic shelters while you visit. it’s a great option for families with younger children.
  • River Mountains Loop Trail: The 34-mile loop accommodates foot, horse, and bicycle traffic and has sections of paved and primitive surfaces. You’ll enjoy the sweeping view of the Mojave desert.

These spots are ideal for continuing your commitment to better health after leaving our Las Vegas addiction center.

Plan a Career Change After Alcohol/Drug Addiction

Ending your struggles with drug addiction presents you with a once-in-a-lifetime chance to hit the reset button on your life and career. If you’ve ever considered improving your employability, Workforce Boulder County can help. They offer GED programs and career resources; most are free or very low-cost.

Questions About Your Insurance Information? Let Us Assist!

Questions About Insurance Information

If you feel concerned about how your insurance plan can assist with the costs associated with drug and alcohol rehab centers, connect with our admissions team. We have professionals on staff to assist clients with clearing the hurdle of insurance coverage for rehab.

After you chat with us about your substance abuse recovery needs, we will reach out to your insurance carrier and obtain any necessary pre-approvals. Sit back, put up your feet, and wait – we’ll call you back with information on all your rehabilitation options.

Up To 100% of Rehab Costs Covered By Insurance – Call Now!

Contact Icarus Las Vegas for a New, Sober Life

If you have struggled with substance abuse and feel ready to commit to long-term recovery, it’s time to reach out to the Icarus Las Vegas team. We are dedicated to helping you throughout every phase of your recovery. With proper treatment and professional services, you can break the chains of addiction and get a stable foundation for lasting sobriety.

Call us today to discuss treatment options.