Benzo Rehab

Benzodiazepine Addiction Treatment

Benzodiazepines or benzos are a commonly prescribed class of drugs for treating stress-related conditions like insomnia and anxiety disorders. While these drugs can be very effective for their intended use when used as prescribed, they also carry a high risk of addiction.

Benzo addiction usually starts by following a medical prescription or even intentional misuse. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), benzodiazepine misuse is a severe problem affecting millions of Americans.

These drugs can cause different physical, psychological, and social impacts, including potentially fatal overdose. Luckily, Icarus Behavioral Health offers various addiction treatment options in Nevada to help you reclaim your life.

If you or a loved one is struggling with benzo abuse, read on to explore benzo rehab options and the importance of professional help in addiction recovery.

What Are Benzodiazepines?

What Are Benzodiazepine

Benzodiazepines are a widely prescribed class of psychoactive drugs primarily used to treat anxiety disorders. However, they are also effective in treating other medical issues, like seizures, insomnia, and depression. While their mechanism of action is not precise, research suggests that benzodiazepines affect brain neurotransmitters like gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA).

They enhance the effects of GABA, which suppresses the activity of nerves. Excessive nerve activity may cause anxiety or other psychological disorders. Benzos enhance the effects of GABA, reducing brain neuron activity.

Commonly prescribed benzodiazepines include:

  1. Diazepam (Valium)
  2. Lorazepam (Ativan)
  3. Alprazolam (Xanax)
  4. Clonazepam (Klonopin)
  5. Temazepam (Restoril)

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Causes and Risk Factors for Benzo Addiction

Benzodiazepine addiction is a complex disease caused by various biological, psychological, and environmental factors. Understanding these causes and risk factors is essential for effective treatment.

Risk factors for benzo addiction include:

Biological Factors

Some people may be more biologically predisposed to developing an addiction to benzodiazepines than others. Most people addicted to benzos have a genetic vulnerability that makes them more susceptible to addiction.

People with a history of substance abuse or addiction are at a greater risk of developing a benzodiazepine addiction.

Psychological Factors

Psychological factors such as stress, anxiety, and depression can lead to the development of benzodiazepine addiction. Most people turn to drugs like benzodiazepines to self-medicate and seek relief from the signs of another mental health disorder.

However, prolonged benzo use can worsen mental illness and lead to drug dependence and addiction.

Environmental Factors

Environmental factors such as upbringing in younger years peer influence, and social pressure may increase the risk of benzo addiction. People who grow up in households with substance abuse may be more likely to develop an addiction. Also, people who spend time around others drug users are more likely to experiment with the substances.

Signs and Symptoms of Benzo Addiction

Signs and Symptoms of Benzo Addiction

Someone struggling with a benzodiazepine addiction may exhibit some or all of the following signs and symptoms:

Behavioral Symptoms

Below are some of the most common behavioral signs of benzo addiction:

  • Social withdrawal
  • Isolating from family
  • No longer participating in formerly-enjoyable activities
  • Failing to meet expectations at work or home
  • Forging prescriptions
  • Visiting multiple doctors to obtain multiple prescriptions

Physical Signs of Benzo Addiction

Physical symptoms of benzo addiction include the following:

  • Drowsiness
  • Muscle weakness
  • Blurred vision
  • Unsteadiness
  • Fainting
  • Headaches
  • Light-headedness

Cognitive Signs

Benzo addiction can cause cognitive signs like:

  • Confusion
  • Poor concentration
  • Impaired judgment
  • Reduced inhibition
  • Memory issues
  • Perceptual disturbances

Psychosocial Symptoms

Here are some of the most common psychosocial signs of benzo addiction.

  • Sudden mood changes
  • Hostility
  • Emotional dysregulation
  • Emotional detachment
  • Intense irritability
  • Anger

When to Seek Benzo Addiction Treatment

When to Seek Benzo Addiction Treatment

Benzodiazepines are potent drugs that can quickly alleviate anxiety, mood, or panic problems. However, tolerance can develop with prolonged use, leading to people using higher doses to achieve the same effects.

Severe benzo withdrawal symptoms happen when someone dependent on benzos abruptly stops using the drug or drastically reduces the amount they take. Although dependence does not always lead to addiction, it is often a contributing factor. Addiction is a chronic disease characterized by the inability to control drug use despite adverse effects.

Most people who abuse benzodiazepines also use other drugs, like alcohol and opioid prescription pain relievers. Benzos can enhance the effects of other medications, alleviate some withdrawal symptoms, and decrease the adverse side effects of drug use.

Since it induces adverse effects like respiratory depression, sedation, and cognitive impairment, combining benzos and opioids is extremely dangerous and can even be fatal. It often leads to severe health effects like over-sedation and severe impairment.

Because benzodiazepine effects kick in quickly, they might act as a powerful reward system that encourages continued use. People who already have a mental illness like depression may be more likely to get addicted to drugs since the substances provide temporary relief from their symptoms.

Getting help from a qualified medical expert is essential if you or a loved one shows signs of benzodiazepine tolerance, dependence, or addiction.

Consulting a medical professional can help you determine your unique situation’s best course of action. Ignoring the problem can lead to serious health consequences like overdose and death.

Benzo Detox and Withdrawal

Benzo Detox and Withdrawal

Benzo detox is the process of stopping benzodiazepine use and allowing the body to eliminate all traces of the drug. This often happens through tapering, which involves gradually reducing benzo doses. Benzodiazepine detox can be an uncomfortable and dangerous treatment process because of withdrawal symptoms, making it necessary to undergo detox in a rehab center.

Benzodiazepines boost the activity of the neurotransmitter GABA, depressing the central nervous system. This leads to characteristic benzo effects such as relaxation and sedation. Your body becomes accustomed to the impact of the drug after prolonged use. This means your body has to readjust to the lack of GABA activity, causing various unpleasant benzo withdrawal symptoms.

Benzo Withdrawal Symptoms

Withdrawal from benzodiazepine addiction can be a daunting experience. Benzo withdrawal symptoms vary widely depending on the client’s health status, length of use, and severity of the addiction.

Some of the most common symptoms of addiction include:

  • Intense drug cravings
  • Nausea
  • Increased heart rate
  • Anxiety
  • Muscle pain
  • Tremors
  • Excessive sweating
  • Irritability

The severe physical pain and psychological distress caused by these symptoms can quickly become overwhelming for people attempting to withdraw from benzodiazepines independently. This may lead to a relapse back into benzo abuse.

Relapse is especially likely because the relief they seek can be attained through taking benzos. The resulting sense of shame and disappointment can intensify their behavior, leading to increased benzo abuse and reduced chances of seeking help.

However, participation in a medically supervised detoxification program at a reputable addiction treatment center enables clients to effectively rid their bodies of benzodiazepines and prepare for a comprehensive treatment plan.

The Detox Process

Detoxification or detox aims to remove toxins or other harmful substances from the body. Benzodiazepine detox is a closely monitored and medically supervised process designed to help people safely and comfortably rid their bodies of benzos.

At Icarus, we offer benzo detox and treatment services. Our treatment approach is tailored to meet each client’s unique needs, strengths, and goals. However, certain essential features of our detox program apply to most clients:

  • Our benzo detox program takes place in a closely monitored and controlled environment that prioritizes safety and comfort
  • During detox, clients receive personalized care from experienced professionals ready to address any issues.
  • Our program helps prevent relapse by limiting access to benzodiazepines, eliminating the temptation to relapse.
  • Depending on the client’s symptoms, we offer medications to manage any discomfort they may experience during detox.
  • Our detox program is integrated with the residential phase of our treatment, allowing individuals to participate in some of the therapeutic interventions they will receive during the residential phase while still in detox.
  • After completing detox, clients can transition directly into residential care, ensuring continuity of care and preventing relapse.

Our compassionate team understands detox is a crucial first step toward long-term recovery.

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What Are the Benefits of Detox?

Here are some of the ways that detoxification from benzos can help your journey toward addiction recovery:

  • Clear your body of drugs and other toxins: Detox is the first step in eliminating the harmful substances accumulated in your body because of benzo abuse.
  • Improve your sleep: Restful, restorative sleep is often one of the first things to return after completing detox.
  • Reduce drug cravings: Detox helps reduce the intense cravings that can increase the chance of relapse.
  • Restore your appetite: Benzo abuse can wreak havoc on your appetite, but detox can help to restore healthy eating habits.
  • Boost your energy levels: Your energy levels will likely improve without the constant drain of benzo abuse on your body.
  • Recover from the physical effects of benzos: Detox is an essential step in the recovery process, helping reverse the physical damage that has been done.
  • Improve your mood: The withdrawal symptoms associated with benzo addiction can be brutal, but completing detox can help improve your overall mood and outlook.
  • Reduce the risk of overdose or severe health issues: Detox is a closely monitored process that eliminates the risk of overdose and other serious health complications.
  • Focus on your mental and emotional health in further benzo treatment: Once the physical effects of benzo abuse have been addressed through detox, you can focus on your mental and emotional health as you continue your recovery journey.

Benzodiazepine Addiction Treatment

Benzodiazepine Addiction Treatment

Benzodiazepine addiction treatment is highly individualized because addiction can manifest differently in each person. A thorough evaluation by a medical professional is crucial to determine the level of care and type of treatment setting that will best address your needs.

The most common types of benzo addiction treatment include:

Inpatient Rehab

Inpatient rehab programs for benzodiazepine addiction offer a living environment that allows clients to live in the benzo addiction treatment center during treatment.

Depending on the client’s needs, residential treatment programs can last for one month or more. Behavioral therapy is a crucial component of inpatient and residential treatment programs. It helps treat substance use disorders and co-occurring mental health disorders.

Therapy options in a drug addiction treatment center may include:

  • Individual therapy sessions
  • Family therapy sessions
  • Group therapy sessions
  • Couple therapy sessions
  • Experiential therapy sessions

Outpatient Rehab

Outpatient benzodiazepine treatment programs are also available for individuals who prefer to receive treatment while living at home. Outpatient programs have varying levels of care, including partial hospitalization programs (PHP), intensive outpatient programs (IOP), and standard outpatient programs.

Partial hospitalization programs require the client to attend treatment four to eight hours a day, five days a week, for up to three months. Intensive outpatient programs generally require four to six hours a day for three to five days a week and can last from two months to a year,  depending on the program.

Standard outpatient programs involve sessions lasting one to three hours, and clients attend treatment one to three days a week. Outpatient programs benefit those with a robust support system at home, who are willing to participate in regular group and individual treatment sessions, and who have stable housing and transportation.

Aftercare Services

Aftercare, also known as continuing care, is a critical part of benzodiazepine addiction treatment. Continuing care helps produce better long-term outcomes for substance use disorder treatment. Aftercare provides continued support to strengthen the skills and strategies learned during therapy.

A comprehensive aftercare plan may involve ongoing therapy, support groups, and relapse prevention strategies to help people maintain sobriety and prevent relapse.

Helping a Loved One Seek Treatment for Substance Abuse and Addiction

Helping a Loved One Seek Treatment for Substance Abuse and Addiction

It can be challenging to watch a loved one struggle with benzodiazepine addiction, especially when they may not be ready to seek help immediately. However, it’s essential to approach the situation with care and respect.

Forcing someone to enter treatment may not be effective and can even push them further away. Instead, setting healthy boundaries and offering support can help them take the first step toward recovery.

There are different ways to offer support to a loved one who may be struggling with benzodiazepine addiction. Education, support, and outreach are essential in preventing and treating substance use disorders. Friends and loved ones can play a role in providing resources and information to people in need.

It’s essential to remember that every individual’s path to recovery is unique. If a loved one is ready to seek treatment, a medical professional’s evaluation can help determine the appropriate level of care and the type of setting that would best suit their treatment needs.

You can help your loved one take the first step towards a healthier, happier life through patience, understanding, and support.

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Call Icarus Behavioral Health Today for Addiction Treatment

Benzodiazepine addiction is a serious and complex issue requiring professional rehab treatment. The road to recovery is not always easy, but you can overcome substance use disorder with the proper guidance and support.

At Icarus Behavioral Health, we offer a comprehensive range of treatment options for benzodiazepine addiction, including detoxification, medication-assisted treatment, and therapy.

Our programs are designed to meet the individual needs of our clients, and we provide personalized care in a supportive environment. We know that benzodiazepine use disorder affects everyone differently, and our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to helping our clients through the journey to recovery.

If you or someone you love is struggling with benzodiazepine addiction, you should reach out for help. Our caring team is here to provide you with the resources and support you need to overcome addiction and lead a fulfilling life in sobriety. Take the first step towards a brighter future by contacting us today to learn more about benzo addiction treatment offered at Icarus.

Benzo Rehab FAQs

Here are the most frequently asked questions about benzo rehab services:

How long does benzo rehab last?

Benzo addiction treatment length varies widely based on the format and the program. Inpatient rehab may last between a month and one year, while outpatient can last two months or more.

How do I pay for benzo rehab?

The cost of rehab depends on the type of program, treatment format, and length of stay. You can pay for rehab through various payment options, including insurance coverage. Reach out to our admissions navigators for more information about what insurance covers.

Is benzo addiction treatment effective?

Yes. Our personalized addiction treatment plans to use evidence-based approaches to ensure long-term recovery. It is essential to note that relapse is a part of the journey to recovery, but not a failure.