What is the Cost of Failure to Launch Programs?
A Cost Benefit Analysis of FtL Programs for Young Adults
A failure-to-launch program can provide a supportive environment for young adults struggling from their teenage years to adulthood. It can be frustrating for parents and families when grown children don’t pursue college or hold down a job.
Failure to launch programs supports overcoming obstacles by addressing any underlying mental health concerns that hold participants back from reaching self-sufficiency.
But what is the cost of failure to launch programs?
The mental health professionals at Icarus Behavioral Health Nevada understand how failure to launch syndrome makes a lasting negative impact on many young adults. Our individualized approach to treatment plans will help them develop strategies to make strides in personal growth and transition into adulthood.
We invite you to continue reading if your young adult or adult child needs necessary life skills training to enter adulthood. We’ll address the costs of failure to launch treatment and the numerous benefits that make it worth the effort.
What’s the Cost of a Failure to Launch Program for a Young Adult?
Determining the cost of support for young adults transitioning into adulthood depends on a few key factors:
- Program type – residential vs. outpatient treatment
- Program length
- Therapies needed and how intensive the interventions
- Program staff specialization
- Treatment center amenities
While that may give you an overwhelming sense of wondering about managing finances for such a program, you’ll find a silver lining.
Your private or group health insurance covers most of the treatment costs. With the passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2010, mental health services became equal to physical wellness in the eyes of the law.
Because the young person with FtL usually has mental health challenges, the program is largely covered by insurance.
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Icarus Can Help You Get the Insurance Pre-approval
If you are parents ready for your young adult child to start living independently, the admissions team at Icarus can help you understand your private or group health insurance or Medicaid programs. We will answer questions about what program coverage and help you maximize your benefits for the least out of pocket costs.
For example, the insurer may try to convince you that certain aspects of the failure to launch programs are not covered. While some additional resources may sometimes be disallowed, your child’s program is part of a mental health diagnosis like anxiety or depression. They will receive treatments in a therapeutic environment under the direct supervision of a clinician. That’s the key that unlocks the coverage – and our team has the correct language to convey the urgency to the insurance company.
Connect with us today to start the process of leveraging your health benefits so your child can gain the skills needed to live independently. Our goal will be to get you the least out-of-pocket costs (if any!).
Why Choose a Failure to Launch Program for Your Adult Child?
Many parents willingly pay any incidental program costs to help their child transition into adulthood successfully. They determine that any therapy or program costs will eventually reduce the financial burden families carry when they must provide ongoing financial support.
They make the call that it’s time to invest in the young person, helping them succeed in life.
Benefits of Young Adults Reaching Independent Adulthood
We’ve looked at the potential costs -and the insurance coverage – for failure to launch or Peter Pan syndrome programs. Now let’s discuss some of the possible benefits.
The Young Person Becomes Less Reliant on Family Members
When an adult relies on their family, it can place stress on parents, siblings, and grandparents. Ongoing support, both from a financial aspect and psychologically, can make family members feel overwhelmed themselves. We provide family therapy to help set boundaries and encourage independent living.
Failure to Launch Programs Can Help a Young Adult Avoid a Mental Health Crisis
Working with healthcare professionals means getting to the root of the problem that’s holding young adults back from transitioning to a career or higher education.
The fear of adulthood indicates low self-esteem, usually associated with substance abuse, depression, or social anxiety.
Children Who Became Adolescents During the Pandemic are At-Risk
Another recent cause is the phenomenon of social isolation during the 2020 pandemic. The CDC reported that over 1/3 of high school students developed poor mental health during remote learning. To make matters worse, they received instruction in core subjects like math, science, and language arts.
But schools often nixed “extra” programs, such as career counseling or life skills instruction.
The Solution for Failure to Launch
Our individual therapy and group therapy programs help resolve the core condition and evidence-based approaches like Motivational Interviewing (MI) and others are part of reframing and supporting clients to make (and achieve) new goals.
Our clinicians and counselors also provide the necessary tools for coping with setbacks while gaining more confidence as your adult child makes this often-challenging life transition.
Failure to Launch Programs Make Young Adults Productive Citizens
If your child lacks the self-confidence to take on the challenges of employment or college, a failure to launch a program can help overcome any obstacles.
Working with a counselor can significantly impact their ability to make progress. Over time, they will master the necessary skills of:
- Problem-solving
- Time management
- Financial management
- Managing pressure, stress, or anxiety
Attending a failure to launch program is an opportunity for your adult child to reach his or her full potential.
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Failure to Launch Syndrome Success Stories: Meet Sam
Sam was a high school senior looking forward to prom, graduation, and college in 2020 when the pandemic arrived and shattered his dreams. Sam had such big plans – a fantastic prom-posal to his longtime girlfriend, an enormous graduation party with friends and family, and an acceptance letter to his first-choice college. That all fell apart when the pandemic shutdowns started, bringing Sam’s life to a screeching halt.
Sam became resentful of the world and retreated to the bedroom. He was supposed to do classes by online learning but rarely did. Sam suffered; he was a social animal and thrived with support from friends. Without that, Sam started to have anxiety attacks, fueled by fears that childhood dreams would never come true.
The Development of a Substance Use Disorder
Sam started using social media, particularly Snapchat, to order oxycodone to dull the anxiety symptoms – the dealer delivered it right to the family’s garage. Sam missed prom, graduation, and even his first semester of college. Sam’s parents grew concerned when the university campus opened and Sam decided not to attend. Thinking their son would get over it, they left Sam alone.
Two years later, Sam was still mostly confined to his childhood bedroom. While he’d worked a few part-time jobs but remained unhappy with life. Sam’s parents eventually admitted what they’d been ignoring – that Sam was using illicit drugs. The addiction had created the perfect storm for a failure to launch.
Getting Comprehensive Support for Dual Diagnoses at Icarus
Sam’s parents got recommendations from a trusted friend who had a similar experience with two of their children. They discovered the failure to launch programs at Icarus Nevada. The programs provided therapy to overcome the addiction to oxycodone and helped them gain the life skills training they’d missed out on.
Sam’s now sober and, now that the world has reopened, he has had no further anxiety issues. Sam tells everyone about the failure to launch programs at Icarus and wishes more people knew about these life-altering opportunities.
Free Checklist PDF: Has My Child Failed to Launch?
This free download can help you decide if it’s time to reach out to Icarus Nevada for assistance.
Up To 100% of Rehab Costs Covered By Insurance – Call Now!
Contact Icarus Nevada for Failure to Launch Syndrome Treatment
If you have an adult family member who has failure to launch, consider the evidence-based treatment offered at Icarus Nevada. Our holistic approach to treatment for failure to launch includes therapy, teaching coping skills, and more.
The therapy resolves the underlying cause of FtL while also giving the adult the tools they need to make a successful transition. When you consider the benefits, you must ask yourself if you can afford NOT to ask your grown child to participate in our program.
Call us today to schedule therapy and treatment for your young adult.