How Long Does Alcohol Poisoning Last?

How Long Does Alcohol Poisoning Last

How Long Does Alcohol Poisoning Last?

Get Answers and How to Respond if Poisoning by Alcohol Occurs

One of the scariest parts of drinking is the possibility of overdoing it. Too much alcohol consumption can lead to disastrous consequences, so you should know the signs and symptoms that may require medical attention.

So let’s get to the point quickly in case you or someone you know is facing a dangerous situation: how long does alcohol poisoning last and what should you do if you think you or a loved one may have it?

The hard truth its that alcohol poisoning has serious complications and could be potentially life-threatening. If someone has had too much alcohol in too short a window, they might be confused, unconscious, vomiting, having seizures, or have clammy skin with low body temperature. It can take hours or even a full day for these symptoms to subside.

Icarus Behavioral Health Nevada wants you to know that there is help and healing for an alcohol overdose. Our treatment center offers evidence-based programs for anyone struggling with substance abuse.

Keep reading to learn more about alcohol poisoning and how to treat it. And if alcohol poisoning for yourself or someone you care about has happened more than once, or indicates a more serious problem, please don’t hesitate to reach out for additional support!

Alcohol Poisoning Symptoms: How to Detect an Overdose

Alcohol Poisoning Symptoms

When it comes to alcohol abuse, it’s important to know what to look for in someone who has an issue with overdoing it. They might drink too much in a short period, leading to the telltale signs of alcohol poisoning.

The question is: what are the warning signs you should look out for when someone is binge drinking and consuming dangerous amounts of beer, wine, or spirits?

One of the real problems of alcohol overdose is that it causes brain impairment. As a result, the body has a much harder time regulating necessary functions like breathing and heart rate. Drinking enough alcohol to slow down the automatic functions of the nervous system can lead to brain damage, coma, or death.

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The More Obvious Red Flags for Poisoning from Alcohol

However, other signs may present themselves before you reach this danger zone. Symptoms of alcohol poisoning include:

  • Confusion and a lack of mental clarity
  • Difficulty staying awake and remaining conscious
  • Vomiting
  • Seizures
  • Clammy skin
  • Dulled responses and lack of reflexes
  • Low body temperature

The problem for many people is that there isn’t a clear threshold for how much alcohol consumption is too much. Instead, it varies depending on weight, gender, metabolism, what you have eaten, how many drinks you take and in what period, and more.

It’s as individual as you are, so if you spot the signs of alcohol poisoning, seek help right away.

How Long Does Alcohol Poisoning Last For?

Alcohol Poisoning

You have noticed the signs and symptoms of alcohol poisoning, but you want to know how long you’ll be in the danger zone that could result in death or brain damage. Having one or two drinks will usually wear off in a matter of hours, but you likely have consumed quite a bit more than that if you notice the symptoms listed here.

In this instance, alcohol poisoning can last much longer depending on your metabolism and exactly how much you have to drink.

Some people who just tipped the boat into alcohol abuse might find that their symptoms wear off in just a few hours. However, most people find that they aren’t out of the woods quite so quickly. It could last up to one full day before the effects of alcohol poisoning fade and you’re in the clear.

Take the alcohol poisoning effects seriously and make sure someone is around to monitor you if you do decide to try to brave it at home. It’s always better to seek medical care when alcohol consumed lasts longer than you feel comfortable with.

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How Much Alcohol is Too Much Alcohol?

Many people want to drink responsibly but have a hard time figuring out the magic number that allows them to partake safely. The truth is that the best way to avoid alcohol poisoning is simply not to drink. However, you should be aware that your blood alcohol levels don’t spike immediately upon drinking.

As a result, you may not know the long-term effects until hours later. Get help as soon as possible if you notice difficulty with heart rate or breathing, especially if you’ve been drinking for several hours.

If you notice these early warning signs of excessive drinking, get help now. Drinks you had later in the evening may not have fully entered the bloodstream yet, leading to potentially worse symptoms later in the hours ahead. It takes about a half-hour to two hours for BAC to peak if you haven’t eaten and up to six hours if you have.

Keep tabs on how strong your drinks are, how many you’re drinking each hour, and the effects of early drinks. It’s recommended that you have one serving size of alcohol per hour to help the liver process it safely. A serving size might be less than you think, so be sure to measure when making a drink.

What to Do for Alcohol Abuse Immediately

Call 911 For Medical Emergency

Just because someone has excessive alcohol consumption once or twice doesn’t necessarily mean that they need to enter rehab. But if they have developed an alcohol use disorder, alcohol addiction is serious. And it can be a slippery slope if your loved one is already consuming alcohol to the point of needing medical care.

In the case of this sort of overconsumption, don’t let them try to sleep it off.

They need alcohol poisoning treatment as soon as possible to prevent death and long-term brain damage.

Alcohol poisoning is a medical emergency, so you may need to call 911 or transport them to the closest emergency room (if you’re sober enough to drive). In the meantime, while you wait for EMS to arrive, there are some practical things you can do to protect them.

  • Stay with them and keep them awake. Losing consciousness is one of the dangers, so do your best to keep them awake so that you can walk them through taking deep breaths. Never leave them alone because the situation can change in an instant.
  • Make sure they sit upright. Because of their dulled responses, they may choke on their vomit if they try to discard their alcohol consumption. Sitting up helps them to breathe and prevents this from taking place. If unconscious, roll them onto their side.
  • Let them sip water. If they’re awake and conscious, you can give them small sips of water to help rehydrate the body.
  • Give them a blanket or a jacket. Low body temperature is common when you experience alcohol poisoning. Place a blanket over them or put on a jacket to give them some extra warmth while you wait for help. Do not put them in a cold shower to sober them up.

Effective Medical Treatments for Excess Alcohol Consumption

You’ve done the best you can for someone who has been binge drinking and showing early signs of alcohol poisoning symptoms. It truly is a potentially life-threatening condition so don’t let someone leave the room to try to sleep it off. This is extremely dangerous and could lead to death.

In a hospital or urgent care setting, they can get the help they truly need if they’ve had too many alcoholic beverages and now have an elevated blood alcohol concentration.

Doctors and nurses can administer the proper care starting with IV fluids to rehydrate them, especially if they have been vomiting. If it seems like the person is having trouble breathing, they may place an oxygen cannula in the nose or intubate them.

When a severe alcohol overdose is suspected, the fastest way to eliminate some of the toxins in the body and minimize the effects of alcohol poisoning is to pump the stomach. This keeps the situation from worsening as the night wears on, negating all of the therapies that doctors are attempting.

In some cases, they may need dialysis to help their kidneys process too much alcohol.

Seek Long-Term Help for Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism at Icarus

Personalized Treatment for Alcohol Abuse

Do you worry that your loved one might have a drinking problem? Broaching the topic with them may be uncomfortable at first, but it’s far better than having to call an ambulance for them when you figure out how much alcohol they have had. Icarus Behavioral Health Nevada can provide prompt medical treatment and help them maintain sobriety long-term in our medical detox and rehab center.

We offer comprehensive and personalized treatment for alcohol misuse, ensuring that each client gets the exact help they need to thrive without drugs and alcohol.

If you or a loved one are ready for alcohol addiction treatment, we can help you take the first steps to get sober. Reach out to us today so that our friendly enrollment team can answer your questions, verify insurance benefits, and help you find same-day admission. We’re ready and waiting just for you.

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  1. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.). Understanding the dangers of alcohol overdose. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.
  2. University of Notre Dame. (n.d.). Absorption rate factors. Center for Student Well-Being.
  3. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.-b). What is a standard drink?. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.
  4. Cornell University. (n.d.). Alcohol or other drug emergencies. Cornell Health.
  5. LaHood AJ, Kok SJ. Ethanol Toxicity. [Updated 2023 Jun 21]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan-. Available from:

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