How Does Problem Gambling Affect Families

How Does Problem Gambling Affect Families?

The Ripple Effects of Gambling Addiction on the Family Unit

How does problem gambling affect families? When a loved one has a gambling addiction, the impact of the problematic behavior extends beyond just the gambler. Visualize what happens when you drop a pebble into a pond – it makes multiple rings of ripples that dance across the water’s surface, far beyond the drop point. Similarly, the negative consequences of gambling issues touch family members and other loved ones.

Icarus Behavioral Health of Nevada has helped many people overcome problem gambling. This behavioral addiction leads to crushing financial consequences and mental health problems and can even have physical health impacts. Our experts provide non-judgmental, compassionate gambling addiction treatment in a beautiful, peaceful setting in Las Vegas, Nevada.

We encourage you to read for more information on gambling disorder and how a long-term, compulsive gambler’s behavior can lead to other issues.

Is Gambling Considered a Mental Health Diagnosis?

Mental and Physical Symptoms of a Gambling Problem

The DSM-5 includes Gambling Disorder under the same category as substance abuse and addiction disorders, as the behavioral health aspects are very similar. A person feels compelled to gamble with this mental health disorder, quickly replacing typical rewards with the “high” of a win.

The difficult situation perpetuates itself as the addiction deepens. Problem gamblers soon require specialized care to undo the gambling problem.

Mental and Physical Symptoms of a Gambling Problem

Here are some common signs that mental health professionals look for when diagnosing a gambling addiction:

  • Uses more money to achieve the same effects of gambling “highs”
  • Is restless or feels irritated when they try to stop
  • Has tried to stop gambling but could not
  • Is preoccupied with gambling
  • Gambles when feeling stressed, anxious, or depressed
  • Chases losses, which means trying to win back gambling losses another day
  • Lies to family members to conceal financial losses
  • Asks others for financial support or living expenses

The severe financial difficulties that usually accompany gambling addiction are usually the quickest sign to spot.

Discover Solutions for Families Affected by Gambling

Mental Health Issues Intersecting With Pathological Gambling

Gambling addiction usually serves as escapism for many struggling with underlying issues, as well as problem gambling and alcohol often being associated. The allure of their favorite games lulls their thoughts about other mental health problems. They forget their everyday concerns within the walls of the gaming room (whether online or virtual).

The gambling addict often has one of these co-occurring disorders:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety Disorder
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
  • Personality Disorder
  • Substance Abuse
  • Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

Understanding the underlying reasons for the need to escape (which can sometimes be multiple underlying reasons!) – is pivotal to successfully treating a gambling addiction. We cannot treat one of these conditions without addressing the other.

How Gambling Behavior Has Serious Consequences for Family Members

Consequences of Gambling Behavior - Family Relationship Breakdowns

Losing money and the financial problems that occur due to gambling addiction are just the beginning of the issues. The gambling addict, often playing to escape stress, finds their mental health in steep decline with the increasing financial losses. Mental health and the financial problems associated with gambling are almost impossible to separate.

Let’s look further into how financial difficulties connect with other negative impacts of gambling:

Emotional Distress Caused by a Gambling Parent

Parents with uncontrolled gambling habits can cause emotional devastation for their children. As the family finds themselves in a destructive cycle, the financial instability can lead to food insecurity, lost housing, and general neglect. Even worse, gambling is a frequent cause of domestic violence. This form of intimate partner violence happens when misplaced gambling-related anger causes the person to lash out at their loved one.

Children are at a greater risk for alcohol or drug use when they witness physical violence or other situational factors related to gambling.

Family Relationship Breakdowns

Besides children and spouses or partners, other family members are impacted by problem gamblers. Family members feel used as a piggy bank or emotionally blackmailed to give the gambler more money.

They may believe they’re offering necessary emotional support, but it is actually codependency and enabling. They put their own bank accounts at risk for financial harm, often with their loved one promising that they just need enough money to get through the month. This repeat cycle eventually leads to resentment, with the dynamics of family life shifting until the person gets help with their gambling problem.

Being a Problem Gambler Affects Job Stability

Gambling used to take careful planning – a trip to the horse track or hopping on a plane for a weekend in Las Vegas. Now, anyone with a broadband internet connection can be sucked into the vortex of online sports betting and game rooms with a few clicks of a button. The Council on Compulsive Gambling of NJ found that problem gamblers start taking longer lunch breaks to gamble. They often also gamble on the clock using apps and online platforms.

Canadian researchers compared online vs. offline gambling, finding that online gambling addiction causes greater negative impacts on careers due to loss of productivity, absenteeism, and work disruptions. These behaviors can lead to escalating disciplinary actions, including job loss. This scenario has left many families with unforeseen money problems when their income sources suddenly dry up.

Physical Health Issues of a Gambling Problem

Physical Health Issues of a Gambling Problem

Gambling addiction can lead to myriad health concerns. The stress caused by the financial difficulties of gambling can cause high blood pressure, heart issues, and fatigue. Common symptoms of these can include sleep disturbances and headaches.

It can worsen if the person’s gambling addiction causes them to neglect their grooming, nutrition, or other self-care needs.

Learn How to Break the Cycle of Problem Gambling at Icarus

Treating Problem Gambling and Other Addictions at Icarus Nevada

Icarus Nevada takes a holistic approach to resolving gambling addiction. No two people gamble for the same reason or experience the same effects of gambling. Our job is to root out the underlying cause of the gambling problem and fix it while also reshaping the desire to gamble.

We provide a healing, supportive environment and use multiple treatment modalities to help decrease the effects of gambling on the brain:

  • Individual therapy, including cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, and motivational interviewing
  • Family therapy sessions
  • Medication management, including antidepressants
  • Peer support groups
  • Treating co-occurring disorders
  • Developing coping tools for managing addiction triggers
  • Relapse prevention planning, setting strategies for after leaving treatment. These might mean attending local SMART Recovery or Gamblers Anonymous support groups or making a list of healthier new hobbies to try.

Our team will find the right combination of therapies and tools to help you get your life back on track after a gambling addiction.

Take Our Do I Have a Gambling Addiction? Quiz

Do I Have a Gambling Addiction Quiz - Icarus Behavioral Health

Do I Have a Gambling Addiction Quiz - Icarus Behavioral Health

Admitting you have any addiction, gambling, drugs, alcohol, or others, requires an almost brutal sense of self-awareness. Nobody sets out to develop addictions, but that is sometimes where people find themselves.

The good news is that this situation need not be a dead end for problem gamblers – it can be just another stop on the journey. The key to dealing with problem gambling is recognizing the issue so that you can move on and fix it. That takes some serious soul-searching.

This short quiz contains ten yes or no questions that challenge you to examine your gambling behavior and identify if it is an addiction. The answer key on the second page helps you determine the nature of your gambling habits.

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Reach Out for Gambling Addiction Help Today

A gambling addiction can destroy your life. Even worse, they can act as ripples disturbing the smooth surface of an otherwise still pond and unintentionally hurt your family and friends.

We work with most group and private health insurance plans and NV Medicaid to make treatment more affordable to you. Our team will even reach out to your insurance provider for pre-approval for your gambling addiction. Give us a call for confidential information on our services.

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