Opiates & Opioids

What Drugs Make You Nod Off

What Drugs Make You Nod Off?

What Drugs Cause Nodding Off and How to Get Someone Help

What is “nodding off to drugs”? It means falling into a semi-conscious (and sometimes, unconscious) state under the influence of drugs – i.e., falling asleep. If you or someone you know is battling drug abuse or opioid substance abuse, then...

Does Nevada Have a Good Samaritan Law

Does Nevada Have a Good Samaritan Law for Overdoses?

Addressing Overdose Liability and Getting Help

What do you do in a moment of crisis when someone’s life is on the line? What if someone you love and care about is fighting for life due to a drug or alcohol overdose? As a bystander, your decision to intervene could be the...

What Does Suboxone Do to You Mentally

What Does Suboxone Do to You Mentally?

The Mental Health Considerations of Taking Suboxone

Suboxone is widely used in Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT). It is a treatment approach, that uses Suboxone, to treat opioid addiction and opioid use disorder. Sometimes, MAT strategies include another partial opioid agonist, buprenorphine – and naloxone, which is an opioid blocker. Suboxone, however, is...

What are the Top Methadone Alternatives

What are the Top Methadone Alternatives?

Icarus Nevada Offers Several MAT Options Beyond Methadone

Methadone is a popular type of medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for opioid addiction. Methadone is a synthetic opioid agonist that can be prescribed for Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) treatment. It can also treat pain. Although Methadone is approved for opioid addiction, it has limitations...

Do Detox Kits Work for Drug Tests

Do Detox Kits Work for Drug Tests?

Getting Answers and Treatment Options at Icarus in Nevada

Have you found yourself faced with a drug screen, knowing that you probably were going to fail? You meant to refrain from drinking or using, but the temptation was just too much. Maybe you're struggling to stay sober, or the temptation of...

Substance Abuse Evaluation Las Vegas

Substance Abuse Evaluation Las Vegas at Icarus

Getting an Assessment for Alcohol and Drug Use in Clark County

Las Vegas is known as Sin City and, as we all know thanks to the iconic tagline: what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. If you're struggling with drugs or alcohol, though, Las Vegas, NV can be a difficult place...

How Much Does Rehab Cost in Nevada

How Much Does Rehab Cost in Nevada?

Understanding the Costs of Addiction Treatment in Las Vegas

When seeking addiction treatment in the Silver State, one of the first questions that comes to mind for most people and their families is, "How much does rehab cost in Nevada?" Rehab costs in NV can differ depending on a range of...

Does Insurance Pay for IOP

Does Insurance Pay for IOP?

Getting Proven Outpatient Options at Icarus in Nevada

Navigating the world of insurance and understanding what's covered can be a challenge, particularly when seeking help for mental health or substance abuse treatment, such as Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP). It's disheartening to prepare yourself mentally for treatment only to reach an obstacle...

How Long Does Narcan Last

How Long Does Narcan Last?

Understanding Narcan in Your System and Choosing Treatment

I am one of the many addicts whose life has been saved by Narcan nasal spray. My opioid addiction led me to multiple overdoses, and luckily I had Narcan on hand and somebody who could administer it. Narcan has saved countless lives, but...

How Long Does It Take to Detox from Heroin

How Long Does It Take to Detox from Heroin?

Looking at the Heroin Withdrawal Timeline for Recovery

Heroin addiction feels like one of the worst things a person can go through. Often, users stay hooked on the drug as they cannot bear to face the notoriously challenging withdrawal period. If you or a loved one are struggling with heroin, you may...

Nevada Drug Test Laws

Nevada Drug Test Laws

Knowing What to Expect for Drug Screening Tests in Nevada

Are you from Nevada and are concerned about an upcoming drug test? Different states have different drug testing laws, so to gain a clear understanding of what will happen, you need to specifically know about Nevada drug testing laws. While pre-employment testing...

A Guide to the NA Meeting Format concept pic shown

A Guide to the NA Meeting Format

Find Substance Abuse Support with Narcotics Anonymous

Coming to Narcotics Anonymous for the first time can be daunting. You likely will have just stopped using drugs, or alcohol, so everything feels new, and it can be overwhelming being around so many new people. Plus, the NA meeting format is likely to...

Fentanyl Withdrawal Symptoms can be overcome at Icarus in Nevada

Fentanyl Withdrawal Symptoms

Overcoming Opioid Withdrawals in a Safe Setting

You've never felt discomfort like the pain of fentanyl withdrawal symptoms. Having gone through it several times, I can easily say it was one of the worst physical experiences of my life. Interestingly enough, I had to go through that horrible pain in order...