Author - Edward Pelham

How Can You Help Someone with a Gambling Problem - Icarus

How Can You Help Someone with a Gambling Problem?

Know Problem Gambling and When to Get Someone Treatment Help

Someone you love is involved in heavy and compulsive gambling. You know that a loved one's gambling issue can lead to escalating behavioral concerns as well as increasingly alarming money problems. Now you're asking: How can you help someone with a...

Why Does Meth Destroy Teeth - Icarus

Why Does Meth Destroy Teeth?

Exploring How Meth Abuse Leads to Dental Decay

Meth mouth is a common issue that faces people struggling with substance abuse day in and day out. Your dental health can really take a nosedive as you struggle with addiction. Why does meth destroy teeth and gums? If you know the answer to...

What Drugs Make You Nod Off

What Drugs Make You Nod Off?

What Drugs Cause Nodding Off and How to Get Someone Help

What is “nodding off to drugs”? It means falling into a semi-conscious (and sometimes, unconscious) state under the influence of drugs – i.e., falling asleep. If you or someone you know is battling drug abuse or opioid substance abuse, then...

Does Nevada Have a Good Samaritan Law

Does Nevada Have a Good Samaritan Law for Overdoses?

Addressing Overdose Liability and Getting Help

What do you do in a moment of crisis when someone’s life is on the line? What if someone you love and care about is fighting for life due to a drug or alcohol overdose? As a bystander, your decision to intervene could be the...

What Does Meth Do To Your Brain

What Does Meth Do To Your Brain?

Get Guidance on How Meth Affects the Brain and Body

If you are watching a loved one struggle with meth addiction, you probably feel powerless. As you witness the accumulating negative health effects, you ask: What does meth do to your brain and body? Your concern is spot on. Methamphetamine use can...

What Does Suboxone Do to You Mentally

What Does Suboxone Do to You Mentally?

The Mental Health Considerations of Taking Suboxone

Suboxone is widely used in Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT). It is a treatment approach, that uses Suboxone, to treat opioid addiction and opioid use disorder. Sometimes, MAT strategies include another partial opioid agonist, buprenorphine – and naloxone, which is an opioid blocker. Suboxone, however, is...

Can You Get Addicted to Benadryl

Can You Get Addicted to Benadryl?

Looking at the Addictive Properties of a Common Antihistamine

Can you get addicted to Benadryl? It’s not common but it can occur due to Benadryl abuse. Many people take it as a sleep aid but Benadryl addiction – psychological dependence – can lead to a ‘drug addiction’. It is an effective “itch...

Rehabs That Allow Cell Phones

Rehabs That Allow Cell Phones

Knowing the Policies on Cell Phones at Rehab and Icarus Nevada

What are the rehabs that allow cell phones? Can I have my cell phone in rehab whether I’m in Nevada or elsewhere? It’s a common question people ask when entering rehab. And, the answer depends on the facility. At Icarus...

How to Stop Alcohol Shakes

How to Stop Alcohol Shakes

Knowing Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms and Treatment Options

Did you know that getting enough sleep and staying hydrated can help with alcohol shakes? According to a 2017 study, students who got more than 7 hours of sleep experienced less intense hangovers. It indicates that other alcohol withdrawal symptoms might also reduce...

Guide to AA Meetings Las Vegas

Our Guide to AA Meetings Las Vegas

Get Options Among the Most Well-regarded Vegas AA Meetings

For newcomers trying to find AA meetings Las Vegas has an abundant selection to offer. Sin City has meeting times for men, women, and co-ed groups. The only requirement to attend an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting is a sincere desire to stop drinking...

Do They Consider Depression for Disability in Nevada

Do They Consider Depression for Disability in Nevada?

Understand the Considerations for Mental Health Disability in NV

Are you or a loved one struggling with chronic depression or bipolar disorder? If you answered yes, you may be curious to learn: Do they consider depression for disability in Nevada? Disability benefits can be notoriously challenging to obtain, with several hurdles to...

How to Break a Trauma Bond

How to Break a Trauma Bond

Getting Resources and Support to Break Trauma Bonds Effectively

Trauma treatment is an essential part of breaking a trauma bond and healing from it. Although you can physically leave a trauma-bonded relationship without getting professional support, treatment will address the effects of the relationship. If left unaddressed, the effects of trauma...

What are the Top Methadone Alternatives

What are the Top Methadone Alternatives?

Icarus Nevada Offers Several MAT Options Beyond Methadone

Methadone is a popular type of medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for opioid addiction. Methadone is a synthetic opioid agonist that can be prescribed for Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) treatment. It can also treat pain. Although Methadone is approved for opioid addiction, it has limitations...

Who Pays for Sober Living Homes

Who Pays for Sober Living Homes?

Using Insurance or Health Benefits to Cover Recovery Residences

If you are looking for a sober living home or other recovery housing options, let's first of all congratulate you! You've made leaps and bounds by seeking addiction treatment and being wise enough to know that long-term recovery means you need a...

What Happens in Rehab

What Happens in Rehab?

The Processes and What to Expect at a Solid Treatment Center

Have you ever wondered what happens in rehab? If you or a loved one struggles with substance abuse, it's natural to have questions about what to expect during addiction treatment programs. The truth is that the therapeutic process has been...