Phoenix Drug Rehab Alternatives in Nevada

Get Proven Programs Outside Arizona at Icarus Nevada

Are you considering attending alcohol or drug rehab but can’t seem to find the right treatment center in Phoenix, AZ? Consider traveling to a high-quality Phoenix drug rehab alternative like Icarus Nevada.

Choosing the right addiction treatment facility can make all the difference in your recovery. Sobriety is a mental and physical battle that requires the ideal circumstances for you to succeed and thrive – and that begins with the rehab you choose.

You (or your loved one) deserve personalized treatment that addresses your drug and alcohol addiction and any co-occurring disorders so you can cope with your feelings and resist the urge to relapse. You’ll only get this treatment at a comprehensive, holistic addiction treatment center like Icarus Behavioral Health in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Icarus Nevada treats mental health and addiction disorders with individual and dual-diagnosis treatment programs built to your situation. We’re just a few hours’ drive or an hour’s plane ride from Phoenix, AZ, giving you the chance to get away from temptation and receive the care you need. Plus, we take most major insurances, like Anthem BCBS and Molina Healthcare, for both drug and addiction treatment and mental health services.

If you’re uncertain about traveling out-of-state to attend our rehab, keep reading to learn why the trip to Icarus Nevada is worthwhile.

Should You Attend Out-of-State Drug Rehab?

Sometimes, you don’t have any rehab centers you’re comfortable with locally. Or, they may be too close to home and make it hard to focus. Or even worse – you already went to a rehab that didn’t prepare you for your life after treatment and let you fall back into bad habits.

Fortunately, traveling for rehab is an option. It might even be best to go to another state (like Nevada) for your drug and alcohol addiction treatment so you can get the best care that will help you stay happy and healthy.

Here’s what you should know about traveling to your Phoenix addiction treatment alternative.

The Benefits of Traveling for Rehab

The city or state where you attend rehab may not seem like a big idea, but new environments and specialized care can have a major impact on your recovery process.

Environmental triggers are a common cause of addiction. You may feel pressure to use drugs around your friends who do or have stressful situations that you cope with through substance abuse. If you go to rehab locally, it’ll be harder to separate yourself from these conditions so you can focus on your recovery. Plus, you’re far less likely to run into people you know at rehab, which can help remove some concerns about rehab’s social stigma.

Willingness to travel for rehab also allows you to choose the perfect treatment center that will create a healing environment for you. You don’t need to settle for local options that don’t resonate with you; you’ll be able to find facilities that specialize in your condition and highly qualified care teams that better prepare you for recovery.

Finally, you may be more motivated to complete the program during your most difficult times because you’re far from home. Once you’ve committed to attending, it becomes harder to arrange travel and make the trip home impulsively. You’ll have more time to think through your decision.

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Does Insurance Cover Rehabs in Other States?

Insurance coverage for treatment is often the deciding factor when choosing a rehab to attend. Nobody wants to worry about treatment costs when it comes to getting healthy, but it’s something that you have to consider. Fortunately, some insurance plans cover rehab in other states.

Insurance coverage primarily depends on whether a provider is in your health insurance company’s network. An in-network provider has negotiated rates with your insurance company to offer services at a discount, so you have more coverage as a result. These healthcare professionals and facilities can be in the same state as you or another state like Nevada, depending on the company your policy is with.

However, if your preferred provider isn’t in your network, you usually won’t have coverage unless you have a preferred provider organization (PPO) plan.

The Difference Between HMO and PPO Plans

A PPO plan is a flexible insurance policy that gives you more options for care providers. Your insurance company will have its own network that provides discounted services, but it’ll usually cover some of the costs from other providers as well. The coverage is often lower than other types of insurance plans, but you can go to any mental health or drug and alcohol rehab center – including those in other states.

A health maintenance organization (HMO) plan is a type of health insurance policy that requires you to receive care from in-network providers if you want to use your coverage. HMOs can have multi-state networks, allowing you to attend Icarus Nevada as a Phoenix rehab alternative.

They can cover anywhere between 5% to 100% of your substance abuse treatment for in-network care, but you’ll often have to pay 100% of care costs for out-of-network providers.

Why You Should Choose Icarus As Your Phoenix Drug Rehab Alternative: 3 Compelling Reasons

The right rehab makes all the difference. At Icarus Behavioral Health Nevada, we work to make addiction treatment as easy, affordable, and effective as possible with our state-of-the-art facility, caring staff, and proven treatment strategies.

Here’s why you should choose Icarus as your Phoenix, AZ rehab alternative.

Benefit From a Peaceful Environment

Rehab is a time of reflection and taking active steps toward a better future. It takes a lot of time and focus and can be emotionally draining to your mental health to go through, so you need to be at a rehab where you can focus on your recovery without worrying about dealing with triggers, withdrawal symptoms, or being alone.

At Icarus Nevada, we create an environment of peace and progress. Our caring staff ensures you have everything you need to be safe and comfortable during your residential treatment, including medication management and dispensing to help with your transition to sobriety.

You’ll also feel more at home with residential treatment setttings that look and feel like houses instead of clinical settings, making it easier for you to maintain your daily practices and schedule once you return home.

Receive the Right Kind of Treatment for Your Addiction

There’s no such thing as one-size-fits-all addiction treatment. Everyone has a different reason for substance abuse, different habits to break, and needs their own treatment and guidance as part of the recovery process. You may respond to group settings, while others excel with one-on-one therapy. Or, you need dual-diagnosis treatment to overcome a condition like PTSD alongside substance abuse.

Every Icarus Nevada treatment program is personalized to fit your needs and situation. Our care team gets to know you, listens to what you need, and creates a customized treatment plan that puts you in a position to succeed. You won’t have to sit through treatments that don’t resonate with you – we’ll adjust your schedule as you progress to maximize your progress.

Maximize Your Insurance Coverage to Lower Costs

You shouldn’t have to delay getting substance abuse treatment or settle for a rehab that doesn’t work for you. Icarus Nevada proudly accepts many insurances, including Aetna, Anthem BCBS, Cigna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Molina, TRICARE, and others, to help you spend as little as possible to get effective drug and alcohol addiction treatment.

Get Effective Detox and Rehab Options – Call Now!

What to Expect from Icarus’s Drug Rehab Center In Las Vegas

At Icarus Behavioral Health Nevada, we help thousands of clients take back control of their health and life from the jaws of addiction. To do so, we use a holistic approach to rehab through custom treatment plans, cutting-edge technology, and proven treatments to equip you with the tools you need to stay sober.

We provide specialized care for many different drugs, including fentanyl, cocaine, benzodiazepines, and alcohol, that come in multiple settings, depending on the level of care you need. You’ll also have a variety of treatments and activities to choose from during your stay, including care for mental health conditions.

Addiction Treatment Programs Available

Our modern, innovative addiction treatment center can help with a wide range of mental health disorders and addictions because of our comprehensive treatment programs. These treatment programs include:

  • Medical Detox: If you have an addiction to opioids, alcohol, or benzodiazepines, you may need medication-assisted treatment to overcome your dependence. A medical detox ensures you’re monitored and kept comfortable during withdrawals so you can have a fresh start.
  • Inpatient Treatment: Many patients coming from out-of-state attend our inpatient rehab programs, where you’ll stay at our residential treatment center for the length of your program. You’ll have supervision and a schedule created to provide you with structure, meals provided, and coordinated treatments so that all you have to do is focus on your recovery.
  • Outpatient Treatment: If you’re closer than Phoenix, our outpatient programs or intensive outpatient programs (IOPs) may work for you. Instead of staying at the facility, you’ll attend meetings or appointments during the day but return home at night. Outpatient addiction treatment is more common for Las Vegas locals or those with primarily mental health issues, but intensive outpatient treatment is often used for substance abuse.
  • Aftercare Coordination: We understand that recovery doesn’t end once you leave our residential treatment center. Sobriety is a lifelong battle, so we work to not only give you the tools you need to fight it but also help you find the care you need locally as part of your ongoing treatment. Psychiatrists, group meetings, therapists, sober community living, and other mental health services are just a few of the ways we help you do better when you get home.

If you’re not sure which programs you need, don’t worry. Our care team will make sure you’re getting effective treatment.

The Evidence-Based Treatments Offered at Icarus Nevada

Within our highly effective treatment programs, we offer a variety of treatments that can give you a new perspective, help you overcome your mental barriers, and remind you that you’re not alone in your addiction. They include:

  • Individual Therapy: One-on-one therapy is one of the most common services offered for substance abuse recovery. Drugs are often used to cope with intense feelings or trauma, which cognitive-behavioral therapy can help you think about differently and process more safely to avoid the urge to relapse. We’ll connect you with a therapist and other substance abuse professionals so you can talk about your disorder and how to recover.
  • Group Therapy: Substance abuse can make you feel isolated and lonely. But you’re not alone – and group therapy shows you that. You’ll meet and talk with others who have dealt with addiction, learn different perspectives about substance abuse, and build sober relationships that help you avoid relapsing.
  • Medication Management: Not all mental health disorders that are associated with substance abuse can be treated with therapy. As part of dual-diagnosis treatments, our team can help you find the right medications that address co-occurring mental health disorders like anxiety, depression, PTSD, and more so you can focus on your sobriety more clearly.

How to Maintain Sobriety When You Return to Arizona

Returning home to a more stressful environment after leaving drug and alcohol rehab can be hard. You have more freedom and, in many cases, are returning to triggers that contributed to your addiction in the first place.

If you want to stay sober, you need to find recovery assistance in Phoenix, AZ after you leave rehab.

Find Your Recovery Community

Relationships are crucial for recovery. Addiction is isolating, but sobriety can be, too. If you isolate yourself and don’t find ways to fill your time productively, it’s easy to fall back into bad habits.

Fortunately, Phoenix has a strong recovery community that includes organized sober events where you can meet others who have dealt with the same thing as you. One of the best places to find more information about sober activities to pursue in Phoenix after treatment is The Phoenix, a site that helps connect people in recovery in a safe, sober space.

You may find exercise classes, outdoor activities, coffee socials, and many other activities put together by the organization and community. Plus, you can attend meetings online from anywhere with their live streams.

Enjoyable Sober Activities to Check Out in Phoenix, AZ

Outside of organized events, you can also participate in sober activities on your own or with family to help you appreciate what life has to offer. Phoenix has a number of indoor and outdoor attractions to visit, including:

Phoenix also has natural attractions like Camelback Mountain and Hole in the Rock Hiking to get you outdoors and enjoying the weather.

Attend Meetings

Group meetings are a major part of active recovery and maintaining sobriety. Building a sense of community helps you feel connected with others and gives you a shoulder to lean on when you’re struggling.

Phoenix has Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, SMART meetings, and other groups you can attend. Their locations and times vary, but you can always check their sites regularly for meetings to attend.

Phoenix AA Meetings

Daily meetings can be found at Mid-City Group at 6619 N 19th Ave B in Phoenix, with multiple meetings throughout the day. There’s also a meeting of the Backyard Group at 4012 S Central Ave in Phoenix a few times per weekday.

Phoenix NA Meetings

Narcotics Anonymous meets daily at the Faith Lutheran Church at 801 E Camelback Road in Phoenix. The Wild Bunch Group also meets at 4012 S Central Ave in Phoenix 2-3 days per week.

Phoenix SMART Meetings

SMART meetings happen frequently online through Zoom, but also include local meetings in Phoenix a few days per week. The Unity of Phoenix Church at 1500 E Greenway Parkway in Phoenix allows individuals to organize meetings regularly, which include online and local meetings daily.

Follow Up with Healthcare Professionals

Continued care, especially when it comes to maintaining your medication management, is essential to staying sober. After leaving rehab, you’ll need to continue to pursue mental health treatment like therapy and psychiatry so you can continue to make progress on your own.

When you graduate from Icarus Nevada, we help you find groups to attend in Phoenix and coordinate outpatient treatment with local care providers to get you under their care.

Up To 100% of Rehab Costs Covered By Insurance – Call Now!

Commit to Better Care By Traveling to Our Alternative to Rehab in Phoenix

The rehab that you choose to guide you through recovery is one of the most important decisions of your journey. You need a peaceful environment, expert care, and affordable treatment at a high-quality treatment center if you want the best chance to thrive. If you can’t find that in Phoenix, AZ, Icarus Nevada can help.

At Icarus Behavioral Health Nevada in Las Vegas, we take a holistic approach to recovery. Our treatment programs address most drug addictions and include mental health services and dual-diagnosis treatment for a more complete recovery.

Our team works to make you as comfortable as possible during your residential treatment, prioritizing a homely feel to make you feel at peace. Plus, we’re proud to work with numerous health insurance providers to make high-quality care affordable.

At just a few hours by car or an hour by plane, Icarus Nevada is your premier out-of-stake Phoenix drug rehab alternative. Reach out to a care coordinator today to learn how to get started.