Our Drug Rehab Kingman AZ Services

Getting Help Convenient to Kingman at Icarus in Nevada

Kingman, AZ, residents who want to overcome the challenges of drug and alcohol addiction sometimes find comprehensive treatment options limited. Don’t let that lack of drug rehab access hold you back from reclaiming the sober life you deserve! Finding treatment is easier than you think. The reality is that you or your loved one can get the industry-best help just a two-hour drive away in Nevada, with the drug rehab Kingman services at Icarus.

Icarus Behavioral Health Nevada is equipped with a knowledgeable and compassionate team. We specialize in treating substance use disorders and restoring every client’s mental health and physical well-being. We know how unique the recovery journey is for each individual, and our proximity to Kingman makes us a convenient option for those who desire a transformative path to sobriety.

Read on for more information about how the Icarus team can help you live the life you’ve always dreamed of!

Why Not Choose the Rehab Centers in Kingman, AZ?

When considering options for drug and alcohol rehabilitation, it’s vital to explore environments that offer the best chances of success. For those in Kingman, AZ, the two-hour drive away for out-of-state treatment center programs at Icarus Nevada can offer several advantages over local options.

Let’s discuss why drug rehab centers away from home are pivotal steps in your recovery.

More Private Than Drug Rehab Kingman Programs

Alcohol or drug rehab centers outside your immediate community can provide better privacy. You are away from nosy neighbors, which can make it easier to focus on your recovery without the concern of social stigma or recognition.

Familiar People and Places in Kingman, AZ May Cause Relapse

Familiar environments associated with past substance use can trigger memories or even behaviors that cause you to relapse. By stepping away from alcohol and drug rehab treatment in Kingman for an entirely new space, you distance yourself from these triggers.

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Distance from People Who Enable a Drug and Alcohol Addiction

Treatment in Kingman, Arizona, could mean you’re near those relationships and social circles that enable or encourage your substance use. By choosing an addiction treatment center away from Kingman, you physically distance yourself from those negative influences.

The Sole Focus is on Drug and Alcohol Addiction Recovery

Staying in Kingman at local drug and alcohol addiction treatment facilities could cause distraction. Our facility is just far enough away to relieve you of the pressure of daily responsibilities that detract from your treatment program. You get to focus on what matters the most – YOU!

What Can Our Alcohol and Drug Rehab Center Treat?

The experienced Icarus Behavioral Health Nevada team has the know-how to help address many behavioral and mental health concerns. Here are just a few:

  • Substance use disorder (this term includes all drug and opioid addictions)
  • Alcohol Use disorder
  • Eating disorders
  • Depression, PTSD, anxiety disorders, and other serious emotional disturbance
  • Compulsive disorders, OCD, gambling, and other behaviors

We know that each one of these is a complex and progressive disease. We also understand that many who struggle with drug and alcohol abuse have one or more other factors that cause their addiction. All who come to us for help receive addiction treatment programs best suited to their needs.

Confidential Alcohol and Drug Use Assessment – Call Now!

How Do Addiction Treatment Centers Help People Get Well?

Our substance abuse programs combine an appropriate-for-you blend of the following evidence-based inpatient treatment programs:

  • Medication-Assisted Treatment: Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) uses medications alongside counseling to treat substance use disorders. This approach is particularly effective in managing withdrawal symptoms and reducing cravings. MAT can meet individual needs and is particularly helpful for treating alcohol and opioid addiction.
  • Individual Behavioral Therapy: Individual behavioral therapy helps you name and change the negative thought patterns and behaviors that often lurk behind substance abuse. You learn coping strategies and skills to handle triggers and stress; both skills are crucial for maintaining sobriety.
  • One-on-One Counseling: One-on-one counseling provides a private and confidential setting. Here’s where you can explore the root causes of addiction. This personalized approach allows for deep exploration of personal issues and traumas that may contribute to your substance abuse. You will gain a much better understanding of your behaviors. You also receive tailored strategies for recovery.
  • Family Therapy: Family therapy involves your family members in the treatment process. It aims to repair and strengthen family relationships strained by addiction. It also teaches your family more about being a sound support system after you leave recovery.
  • Group Therapy: Group therapy offers a supportive community. Those in the group can share experiences and learn from others facing similar challenges with alcohol and drug abuse. This therapy helps you with building social skills and reduces feelings of isolation. It also helps you see different perspectives on substance abuse, addiction, and recovery. This peer support and encouragement is a key part of your recovery.
  • Aftercare Planning: Aftercare planning helps you maintain sobriety after leaving the addiction treatment facility. Effective aftercare planning is essential for preventing relapse and ensuring long-term recovery.

You will be in the best care with Icarus Behavioral Health. You will receive bespoke substance use programs that will have you on the road to a full recovery.

Staying Sober When You Return to Kingman, AZ

Staying sober after your inpatient treatment program at Icarus Behavioral Health in Las Vegas is a crucial phase of the recovery journey. After returning home to Kingman, AZ, you must engage in activities supporting ongoing sobriety after rehab. You worked hard at the addiction treatment center; now is the time to put your aftercare plan to work.

Fortunately, Kingman offers many wonderful opportunities and resources to help you stay clean. Here are some suggestions:

Outdoor Activities Abound Near Kingman, Arizona

Kingman’s has close access to natural wonders like the Hualapai Mountains and the Grand Canyon. You have incredible opportunities for outdoor activities. Hiking, camping, and exploring the beautiful natural landscapes around Kingman, AZ, can provide a healthy way to relieve your stress.

Support Groups at Community Centers in Kingman, AZ

Connect with local support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA). While not often found locally, SMART Recovery meetings online also offer support and an alternative (or complement) to traditional 12-step offerings.

  • You can find Kingman, AZ, AA meetings by clicking here.
  • Find Kingman, Arizona, NA meetings here.

Regular meetings help maintain focus on recovery and let you connect with others who share the same struggles with substance use disorder.

Fitness and Wellness Centers in Kingman, Arizona

Trying different physical activities at a local gym, yoga studio, or even a local sports league can significantly improve your physical and mental health. Regular exercise helps you stay committed to your increasing personal wellness.

Arts and Culture

Kingman, AZ has a fairly happening arts scene, with galleries, music events, and cultural festivals. Check out the Kingman Festival of the Arts, the Route 66 Festival, or the annual bluegrass festival. You’ll find entertainment and feel more at home in your community.

Volunteer Work

Giving back to the community through volunteer work can be fulfilling and help build a sense of purpose and connection. You might discover how great it feels to feed the less fortunate, attend environmental clean-ups, or try charitable activities. Whatever you decide, volunteering can positively contribute to society while supporting your sober life.

Educational Opportunities

Pursuing education or skill-building courses at Mohave Community College – the local educational institution for Kingman residents. Coursework engages your mind and gives you a sense of achievement and accomplishment. Whether you need to finish your GED or are ready to advance in your career, they are an excellent resource.

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Get Proven Programs Convenient to Kingman:  Reach Out Today

Are you considering stepping beyond Kingman, Arizona, for addiction treatment? Then please know that a supportive and transformative team awaits you at Icarus Behavioral Health in Nevada.

We have many payment options and make treatment accessible by taking almost every major health insurance carrier. We also have self-payment options for those who prefer to pay for their services outright.

We understand the volumes of courage it takes to seek help. Our team is here, ready to guide you every step of the way. Don’t let distance be a barrier to your recovery.

We’re here to help you reclaim your life. There’s no better time than right now to detox and get a chance to start over – clean and sober. Connect with us today to start your journey towards healing and sobriety.