Our Outpatient Treatment for Bipolar Disorder

Proven Outpatient Programs for Bipolar at Icarus in Las Vegas

When you have bipolar disorder, it can seem impossible to find balance. You likely experience highs called mania where you feel energized, happy, and even euphoric. However, this all comes crashing down, often suddenly, when the imminent depressive mood strikes.

The constant cycling of ups and downs makes it hard to hold a steady job and keep long-term relationships. Once you get tired of these cycles, you may find yourself wondering whether a bipolar rehab center can help you.

Manic depression is a condition that is hard to treat, especially when it occurs alongside other mental illnesses or substance use disorders. At Icarus Behavioral Health Nevada, we understand the intricacies of treating this disorder. We use evidence-based treatments for bipolar across all levels of care, from residential to outpatient, including our comprehensive bipolar disorder treatment program.

Keep reading to learn more about what bipolar disorder is and what effective outpatient treatment for bipolar disorder looks like at our facilities in Las Vegas.

Our Outpatient Bipolar Treatment Options

At Icarus in Nevada, we offer integrative therapies at all levels of care. When an inpatient program doesn’t seem to be the best fit, we offer outpatient services including partial hospitalization programs, an intensive outpatient program for bipolar clients, outpatient treatment services as needed, and other mental health support resources as well.

With so many treatment options, it’s easy to fit outpatient bipolar disorder treatment around your life and responsibilities. We can even adjust your treatment plan as needed, ensuring you always have access to the support that you need.

What is a Basic Definition of Bipolar?

Bipolar is commonly called manic depression. Its classification as a mood disorder means that it has strong effects on your emotions. Mood disorders like bipolar affect concentration, energy levels, and mood. As these shifts happen, it can be hard to carry out day-to-day tasks and manage responsibilities.

Bipolar also makes it hard to maintain healthy, lasting relationships, find long-term employment, and succeed in life. Fortunately, with the right tools in place, long-term recovery and a successful, happy life are possible.

What Are the Most Common Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar is most well-known for its mood swings, but anyone living with this disorder will tell you it is much more than that. Mood episodes can affect your sleep, activity levels, and even decisions you make. During these periods, you likely aren’t acting like yourself.

Bipolar Symptoms During a Manic Episode

Manic episodes are characterized by periods of high energy, where you might even feel invincible or like you can accomplish anything. Here are some things to watch out for that indicate a manic episode:

●     Feeling elated, high, or euphoric

●     Intense feelings of happiness

●     Racing thoughts

●     Talking quicker than usual

●     Feeling jumpy or on edge

●     Being irritable, especially to being touched

●     Feeling more active than usual

●     Decreased need for sleep, even with increased activity levels

●     Increased need for drinking, food, sex, drug use, or other pleasurable activities

●     Feeling talented, powerful, or important

●     Impulsive decision making

The amount of time that you spend feeling manic depends on the specifics of your bipolar disorder. Some people also have intense mania called hypomanic episodes. During hypomania, you are most likely to engage in risky behavior. This can also lead to problems in relationships and legal troubles.

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Bipolar Symptoms During a Depressive Episode

Depressive symptoms may make it hard to get out of bed. You’ll feel energy levels crash and like you can’t complete your daily tasks. Here are some other symptoms:

●     Feeling slowed down or fatigued

●     Feelings of sadness or worry

●     Sleeping too much or experiencing sleep disruptions including waking up too early or difficulty falling asleep

●     Problems with decision-making and thought processes

●     Being forgetful

●     Having trouble thinking of what to say, talking less than usual

●     Losing interest in pleasurable activities

●     Appetite changes

●     Struggling to do basic daily tasks

●     Feeling worthless or hopeless

●     Thinking about suicide

During a major depressive episode, you may also be at risk for a suicide attempt. It’s important to recognize these symptoms in their early stages. Knowing you are at risk of major depression can help you avoid hospitalization when it gets bad, especially as you learn to manage your bipolar disorder.

Bipolar I vs Bipolar II

People with bipolar disorder may have “non-specified” bipolar, or they may be labeled as having “Type 1” or “Type 2” depending on symptom severity. In cases of Bipolar I, you’re likely to have more periods of mania and fewer depressive episodes. By contrast, people with Bipolar II have more depressive episodes than they do periods of mania.

Bipolar I and Bipolar II disorder are not the only classifications for bipolar disorders. Some people also have cyclothymia. Cyclothymic disorder is characterized by mood swings that are not intense enough to be labeled as depressive or manic episodes. However, these mood swings are still intense and disrupt your daily life.

Symptoms typically appear during the teenage years, though some children are diagnosed at an early age. Receiving an accurate diagnosis is the first step in treating this complicated mental illness.

Our Evidence-Based Treatments for Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a complicated mental illness. With the intensity of symptoms and mood swings, a multifaceted approach is the most successful form of mental health treatment for bipolar. Often, this involves targeted therapy, developing healthy habits and a routine, and medication. Let’s look at bipolar disorder treatment offered at Icarus.

Evidence-Based Therapies

Bipolar can severely impact the quality of your life. That’s why it’s so important to use treatment methods that are effective in people with bipolar disorder. Some highly effective types of psychotherapy for bipolar disorder include:

●     Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the most common forms of psychotherapy used for bipolar disorder treatment. It teaches you about the relationship between thoughts, emotions, and challenges and how to disrupt the thinking process. By intervening and challenging thought patterns, the goal is to change unwanted behaviors.

●     Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) teaches coping skills like acceptance, mindfulness, and existing in the moment as a form of self-regulation when you are experiencing unpleasant thoughts or emotions. DBT was designed for borderline personality disorder, but is now commonly used in both individual and group settings for bipolar treatment as well.

●     Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy (ISRT) involves keeping a record of daily activities, including activity levels, sleep and wake times, and moods. As it becomes clear how mood is affected, you’ll be coached on how to best regulate your moods using sleep times. ISRT also involves working on interpersonal relationships, such as how you interact with coworkers, by identifying problems and solutions.

●     Family-focused therapy (FFT) lasts around 12 sessions depending on the family’s needs. During these family therapy sessions, a person’s parents, spouse, and other family members learn about the symptoms of bipolar disorder, recognizing bipolar mood swings, and offering support.

At Icarus Nevada’s rehab center, you’ll work with a licensed psychotherapist in individual therapy using methods like these. The skills you learn will help you with emotional regulation, forming healthy relationships, improving on unwanted behaviors, and ultimately leading a productive and satisfying life.

Furthermore, with a condition like bipolar disorder, working with someone you trust is paramount to the therapeutic process. Our licensed therapists work hard to gain your trust, building a foundation for successful treatment. We also strive to provide a welcoming, calming environment at our treatment center. Whatever you need to start recovering, you will find it at Icarus.

The Role of Group Therapy in Bipolar Treatment

Group therapy has several benefits when treating bipolar disorder. First, most mental illnesses can make you feel alone. Connecting with other people helps with this isolation. People with bipolar disorder also struggle to maintain healthy relationships, both in their personal lives and at work. Group therapy gives you a place to develop social skills in a safe, moderated environment. You’ll learn how to communicate, receive feedback, and work together on overcoming obstacles in your life.

There are different types of groups for specific treatment modalities. Some help people with bipolar disorder learn skills to improve their quality of life. Others are more focused on support, giving people with bipolar disorder a safe place to talk about their experiences and receive feedback from people who understand their experience and the destructive behaviors that often accompany this mood disorder.

When recovering from bipolar disorder, it’s important to work with people that best support your treatment goals. That’s why we offer a variety of groups at our Las Vegas treatment center.

Medication Management for Mania and Depression

When treating individuals with bipolar disorder, medication may be prescribed to help with conditions. However, medication does not offer total relief. That’s why it is so important to go to individual therapy to work on thought processes and coping skills that help when bipolar disorder symptoms flare up. Comprehensive treatment involving medication management and therapy is going to be most effective in treating this complicated mental health condition.

Several types of medication are commonly prescribed for bipolar disorder treatment. Mood stabilizers reduce periods of depression and mania by reducing mood swings. Benzodiazepines are used for treating anxiety caused by the condition, while antidepressants reduce depressive periods associated with bipolar. Lastly, antipsychotics may be prescribed if you struggle with hallucinations or delusions.

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When Should I Consider Residential Treatment for Bipolar?

Residential treatment centers can be a haven for people struggling with severe bipolar disorder and the more intense symptoms of bipolar. On the depressive side, residential treatment can help a client struggling with suicidal ideation or psychosis.

For clients experiencing hypomania, residential treatment might prevent unsafe or high-risk behaviors. It can also be a great choice for clients struggling with substance abuse alongside bipolar disorder, and can be a better fit than intensive outpatient treatment in such cases.

The Connections Between Substance Abuse and Bipolar Disorder

If you are struggling with bipolar disorder in addition to drug or alcohol addiction, you’re not alone. Many people with untreated mental health conditions use substances to help them feel “normal.” For example, people with untreated trauma or anxiety may abuse alcohol because of the way it calms or numbs feelings.

People with bipolar disorder may also use “uppers” like cocaine or methamphetamine to pull themselves out of a depressive episode. Unfortunately, when you stop using, you’ll crash and experience cravings. It is very easy to fall into patterns of substance abuse and chemical dependency.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment for Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorder

When you are struggling with co-occurring conditions, the bipolar disorder treatment center that you choose matters. At Icarus Behavioral Health, we provide comprehensive care for our clients with co-occurring bipolar disorder. This goes along with our philosophy of complete and total healing. We understand that you cannot treat bipolar without also treating substance abuse struggles, unresolved trauma, and co-occurring mental health issues.

This is why, at our treatment center, you’ll work with a treatment team of doctors, mental health professionals, and addiction treatment specialists. With their knowledge and your goals, they’ll work with you to create a treatment plan to overcome the challenges associated with co-occurring bipolar disorder and substance use.

The addiction treatment process might include medical detox, identifying triggers for drug or alcohol abuse, and learning relapse prevention tools. We’ll also help you find support groups like Alcoholics or Narcotics Anonymous, SMART Recovery, and other resources around Las Vegas.

How Long Will I Need Bipolar Rehab Center Services?

Many people who seek treatment for bipolar disorder find themselves wondering about whether their condition will ever change. Bipolar is a chronic, life-long mental health disorder. There may be periods of your life where you feel it is well managed. Things may feel normal or like they are going great. However, as with all mental health disorders, there will always be a risk of symptoms flaring up.

However, it’s important to continue with your treatment plan for long-term success. This may include taking medication to manage symptoms, attending therapy, and making certain lifestyle changes. While the frequency of treatment may change, especially after you’ve completed behavioral therapy, you’ll still want to have those resources in place should you start to struggle.

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Find Outpatient Treatment for Bipolar Disorder at Icarus Nevada

Icarus Behavioral Health is a leading provider of bipolar treatment for Las Vegas, Clark County, and the state of Nevada. Not all treatment centers offer the individualized treatment plans, evidence-based therapies, and support that you’ll find at our facility.

As you learn how to best manage your specific type of bipolar disorder, you will find yourself walking down the road toward better relationships, happiness, and a healthy life.

Climb off the roller coaster that is bipolar and call our team today. Let us answer your questions and show you how our bipolar disorder treatment center is different. All calls are confidential, so please reach out for support today!


  1. https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/bipolar-disorder
  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4536930/
  3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8623998/